Name: Jose Theodore
From: NHL/Montreal Canadiens
Position: Goalie
Number: 60
Catches: Right
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 186 lbs
Age: 25 (Birthdate -- 09/13/76 -- Laval, Quebec, Canada)
Residence: Laval, Quebec, Canada
Marital Status: Girlfriend, St�phanie Cloutier

Our opinions?
Roxy: "Hot damn... This is MY man that I wanted on the site!! Boy, they certainly know how to make 'em in Canada!"
WyldFyre: "He's ~*_definitely_*~ a hottie and how in the world he got stuck with Miss Potato Head I'll never know. :-D"

Contrary to the ever popular rumor about him and St�phanie, the two are not engaged. St�phanie says that the two are very young and she hardly sees him that often. She says when they do consider marriage, she wants him all to herself.
Jose is a free agent and the Canadiens are in the works of negotiating his contract for the 2002-2003 season.

Official Site of Montreal Canadiens
Theodore Online (in French and English)
Jos� Th�odore (in French)
The Ultimate Jose Theodore Site (in French and English)
Jose Theodore Home Page
Jos� Th�odore (in French -- different from above)
Jos� Th�odore (in French -- once again, different from the others)
Jos� Th�odore (in French -- big shocker, another different page entitled "Jos� Th�odore")

Sounds coming soon.

Because I have so many Jose pictures, I will be uploading only so many at a time.

Click on thumbnail for larger image ;o)

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