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Opened Again.
New Look.

The men are sorted by different promotions and federations in ABC order. Enjoy! Not all the men have links to their pages, but we will soon have them ALL up and working in no time. If you feel that we do not have all the men that you're looking for, simply submit your man and we'll add him... as long as he fits our regulations.

Each man has a short biography, including pictures, multimedia files*, and websites* (*if provided).

Before you enter any of the galleries, make sure you understand a few things. We give credit for the pictures we've found; you should too. If you would like to use a picture you've found on our site, make sure to give credit where credit is deserved. Also, if you don't mind, we'd like to receive an email, telling us that you'd like to use the picture and where. Just so we know where to find you and kill you if you don't give us credit (heheh... a joke, hon, a joke...). We just want to know where our pictures are being used, and we want to link you too. In the end, it all works out better if you just give credit. If not, I will be forced to put copyrights and a whole bunch of things that I just don't like and I don't feel like fooling with. Be a good person, give credit. :o)


  • Chad Kilger
  • Olivier Michaud *new*
  • Stephane Quintal
  • Mike Ribeiro
  • David St. Germain *new*
  • Jose Theodore

    All we have are NHL guys for now because that is the majority of my pictures. We will be getting more soon, but in the meantime, hang tight and enjoy what we've got! ;o)

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