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Look Out Ladies! Ryan is... A DRUMMER! IN A LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP!RYAN STAUFFER is the drummer and vocalist of the group and resides in Hellertown, Pennsylvania. He was born on August 5th of 1985 (8/5/85) and weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces. Freeeeaky. Anyway, he is a recent graduate of Muhlenberg College, earning his BA in Political Science and International Studies. He is currently planning a return to the academic world with a trip to law school in the fall of 2009. While not rocking and/or rolling, Ryan can often be spotted performing other task such as working, eating, and sleeping. His likes include ice cream, 60s pop, Coca-Cola, Quentin Tarantino movies, and Democrats. His dislikes include sauerkraut, screamo, beer, and romantic comedies.

Look Out Ladies! Rich is... IN A LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP!RICH STINE plays the guitar and lives in Kutztown, PA. Rich managed to beat Ryan into this world by being birthed on April 23rd of 1985. In further "freeeeaky" birthday news, Ryan's sister was born exactly three years after Rich. But now we're mixing biographies, so I digress. Rich is a graduate of Kutztown University and also happened to major in Political Science. Rich's likes include The Simpsons, Stephen King, Marvel Comics, and Led Zeppelin. Rich's dislikes include American Idol, rap, President George W. Bush, and child predators who opt to leave the house without sitting down to chat with Chris Hansen first, unless they attempt to evade the police once outside. The subsequent tackling and/or tasering makes up for the lack of an interview crammed with hilarious denials and a reading of the particularly dirty parts of the chat log.


In case you're wondering who that other guy in the photo on the main page is, that's guest bassist Justin Oren, who was nice enough to provide us with some low notes when we rocked the Shame House on February 23rd, 2007. Ryan and Rich are the only official members of Fooled Mommy, but there have been a number of temporary players of bass or keyboard. They cannot all be mentioned here but we thank them for their contributions. In addition, we welcome anyone who plays those instruments and might be interested in playing with us or even joining as a full-fledged member to contact us and let us know you exist. We've been trying to find a steady bassist for a long time now. Keyboard's cool too. Even another guitar. Whatever.

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