
Player Information

Venue Name: Sept of Frail Bridges
Chapter: Frail Bridges CND-019
Domain: Dark Citadel CN D06
Genre: Werewolf: the Apocalypse
Contact: Robynn Scott VST
[email protected] or (902) 454-5446

Place/Time: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Until another site becomes available, garou games take place on the 5th floor of the Life Sciences Centre on Dalhousie University Campus.
All games will be confirmed on the domain hosted email lists: [email protected] and [email protected]
Alternating Sundays with the Changeling venue. Game is called on at 4pm and the game will run for approximately 4 hours.

Directions: Contact Robynn for details.

A group of young garou, new to their changing nature, find themselves faced with understanding their newfound spirituality in the middle of a dying city. They gather in the one place where a glimmer of hope can still be found amongst the pain and corruption- a dying caern in this urban storm. Set at a free-clinic in the most poverty stricken area of Halifax, they must maintain the balance of the caern for their City Father totem, Paperjack, but they must also come to terms with their new nature with little guidance. Combat is expected, but the main focus of the venue will be placed on intrigue, corruption, and spirituality.

Character restrictions and allowances:

Any player wishing to play a character above the cliath rank must submit their character in advance with a full background to be considered for approval. Characters of higher rank permitted in play will be very rare and the ST strongly encourages players to create cubs or cliaths to maintain the balance to the game.

Any player wishing to play a lupus will first have to explain to the ST why they feel their lupus will contribute to this game, which is primarily set in an urban setting, and how playing a lupus is different from playing a homid. Even so, the numbers of lupus in the game will be resticted.

The ST reserves the right to disallow any character that she feels would be unnecessarily disruptive or abusive to the game, regardless of how much approval it's gotten in the past, etc. The ST also reserves the right to restrict the amount of MC that may be put into a character, in effort to maintain an equal balance to the XP level in characters.

Cross-over is strictly restricted in the domain of Dark Citadel. We believe that the mystery of each venue must be maintained and so cross-over will be limited to a maximum of three games per year, and only with the consent of the two CSTs and DST involved. There is a slim possibility of pre-planned crossover as organized by the appropriate CSTs, but there are no intentions for Player-Character-instigated crossover possibilities. This restriction includes, but is not limited to: character background and history; out-of-venue lores, character cross-over for the purposes of personal plot.

Downtime Roleplaying: A balanced amount of non-game interpersonal roleplay is encouraged to add to character depth, but players are advised to not do anything drastic or that would require Storyteller intervention while doing small group roleplaying outside of a formal game. While such small group roleplaying does not ordinarily count for experience, it will help make the characters more three-dimensional, and I will award characters that achieve greater depth with more experience if it becomes apparent at games. We play in a global game, and participation in the game outside of our domain improves the game for all members of the club.

Proxy rules: Characters' sheets and histories must be sent at least one week ahead of time, and must be approved by both the character's home ST, and the ST of this game. The character may very well die, and the Player of the proxy must be willing to accept that, though care will be taken in the way the character will be played. Besides the character sheet, include the character history, guidelines and suggestions on how to roleplay the character, a list of possible reactions to certain situations, and any goals the character has for being at the game.

Travel risks: Characters travelling to/from the game must spend transportation influence actions or else have some special means of safe travel. Otherwise, the Storyteller may cause bad things to happen to them.

Challenges: Minimal -- Role-playing and drama emphasized over rules and challenges. We may abbreviate challenges (such as in a large combat) by disallowing retests or by disallowing most challenges at all. This will be done only in the interests of speeding up the game and/or enhancing critical role-playing. The domain of Dark Citadel has a policy, which has been agreed on by the general membership, on the preference of narrated mass-combat scenes to contested challenges. In any circumstances where a character's life is on the line, the full rules will be used, regardless of the desire to speed up the game, unless the player waives this clause.

Extra XP: Additional XP, above and beyond the 2 granted per session can be earned in several ways: telling a story to the other characters in a dramatic way (make sure the ST or an appointed narrator sees it); submission of a game summary from your character perspective; exceptional costuming; exceptional role-play.

Frenzying: While an essential element to the rage of Werewolves, Frenzy often is misused and disruptive to role-play. I feel that frenzy is often used as an excuse for players to avoid ?playing angry? and so frenzying will be limited by the ST. All frenzy tests must be approved by an ST and must be dramatically appropriate.

Player Advisory:The Garou inhabit a dark and savage world. From time to time, the Storytellers in this venue will use adult themes, vivid descriptions, and contentious social issues to bring the World of Darkness to life. For those familiar with the White Wolf tabletop material, some plot elements or themes could be considered "Black Dog" material. Such themes and issues may include racism, sexism, bigotry, prejudice, sexual assault, and extreme violence. If, at any time, a player feels uncomfortable with a scene, the player should immediately inform the Storyteller.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Robynn Scott
Title: CST
Address: 6551 Bayers Rd, #1. Halifax, NS. Canada. B3L 2B2
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): yes

Style: This venue is generally narrator-intensive. While, I realize the value of have time to develop personal role-play I am determined to not see bored faces at these games.
Determined from a player survey, this game is largely focused on the drama, darkness, and intrigue that is found in the World of Darkness.
We will address many dark subjects (please see advisory above) and will try to reinforce to the players the horrors that can be found in their own world. Spirituality in an urban setting is a large focus, examing the ways of Rat, Cockroach and City Father, while the history of the land is reflected through Uktena and Wendigo.
Corruption is shown to the players through the downfall of the kinfolk, the extreme poverty and destitution of the poor area of Halifax, and violence and crime in the mortal world.
Mystery and intrigue will be given through exploring the depths of the history of Nova Scotia and the riddles contained within.
And as always, drama takes the front line, placing a strong emphasis on developing player's acting skills and, in turn, increasing their creativity, confidence, and imagination.

Antagonists: A kinfolk, corrupted by the wyrm, has been slowly driving the few remaining kinfolk further from the garou. This kinfolk has a very large drug and crime operation that will be a influence over the area that the caern is in. A company called Bio-Tech that specializes in bio-genetic engineering, has gotten their hands on wyrm and weaver technology. Blindly, they are experimenting with powers that are much stronger than they could ever begin to understand. Also, whispers in the sewers are hinting that there might be something lurking down there, watching the garou with interest. And most definitely, player antagonists are essential. Character ignorance, prejudices, and conflict will be the primary obstacles for the players to overcome.

Visiting character & plot policy: Visiting characters must send their full character sheets and history to the ST no less than 7 days in advance for approval. This includes items and fetishes brought with them. Cross-over plotlines from surrounding domains/chapters are welcome and please contact the ST to discuss this.

As a domain standard, emphasis in this game is on story rather than rules. The Storytellers reserve the right to make decisions that go against the letter of the rules in support of good drama, and story flow.

Intrigue (politics and negotiation): 4
Action (combat and challenges): 2
Mystery (enigmas and investigation): 3
Drama (ceremony and characterization): 5
Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption): 4

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