Lores Template


Level 1 - This is the most fundamental level of knowledge. Usually, it consists of the basics of the subject in question. This level of information is fairly easy to relate, and is often rife with errors or half-truths. This level of Lore requires a great deal of role-playing ability, since it can often be difficult for players to reconcile what they know from source material with the smattering of knowledge, much of it false or misleading, that a character with Level 1 Lore might have. This is the level of Lore that a Vampire childe, Garou Cub, or recently-Awakened Mage might possess. For every tidbit of knowledge, there is a realm of uncertainty. Using a real world example from the medical field, this would represent someone trained as a first-aid technician.

Level 2 - Your knowledge of this Lore is greater than that of the less-informed, but you still have much to learn. While you no longer stumble for ready answers, many, if not most, of the nuances of this Lore still escape you. This is the maximum degree of Lore that can be related via book-learning. A tome simply cannot address all possible questions and points of contention that might surface during instruction. While there is precedent for the scholarly elders that do little but pour over musty texts in search of knowledge, this is most certainly not the norm, and nearly impossible accomplish for the average individual who is also dealing with Court politics, conflict, and the maintenance of their own power-base. Neonate Vampires, Fostern Garou, and Apprenticing Mages are all examples of those who typically possess this level of Lore. Continuing with our medical example, this is the level of training of a paramedic.

Level 3 - You are well-versed in some of the more esoteric aspects of the knowledge you've acquired, and are even able to answer the questions of those of lesser enlightenment in a competent manner. However, your own expertise is still relegated largely to surface understanding, and many of the inner mysteries of this subject still escape you. This is the maximum degree of Lore that can be related by another character. Without direct experience and interaction, and the corresponding threat that involves, the deeper secrets of this Lore are simply unavailable to you. Ancillae Vampires, Adren or Athro Garou, and Mage Adepts generall embody this degree of knowledge. In medicine, a Nurse would be an excellent example of someone with this level of expertise.

Level 4 - Your knowledge far exceeds that of most who claim an understanding in this field. Long experience and research have revealed much of what lies hidden from the eyes of the majority. Patterns that you might have missed before have begun to emerge, and a larger comprehension has dawned. You are imminently competent in your field, and while there is more to learn, you are comfortable that the knowledge you possess will see you through most circumstances that draw upon your expertise in this area. Elder Vampires, Athro or Elder Garou, and Masters of the Magickal arts are usually counted among those that possess this level of Lore. In the real world, a Medical Doctor would represent the knowledge inherent in Level 4 Lore.

Level 5 - Few, if any, surpass your command of this area of Lore. Through intense study, total and constant immersion, and unprecedented access, you have accumulated a range of knowledge unparralleled by any save your peers. There is little that is beyond your comprehension in this field. You are one of the foremost authorities in your bailiwick, and you are easily capable of gleaning remarkable insight and understanding from this Lore's intricate nuances and inner mysteries. This level is unattainable to those not of the specific relation that this Lore involves. Thus, if your character is not Kindred, there is no hope that your character will ever be able to achieve Kindred Lore 5, and if you're not Sluagh, the mysteries of Sluagh Lore 5 are forever locked from you. Methuselah Vampires, Legendary Garou Heroes, and Archmagi easily command this degree of knowledge. In medicine, the foremost authorities in their particular field, such as Brain Surgeons, would encompass this level of expertise.

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