cross-venue Lore * Werewolf Lore * cross-venue Lore Werewolf Lore

"My God," Detective Gilder said as he arrived at the gruesome scene. "Did a family of bears go crazy here?"
Gore painted every inch of the wooded clearing, and what wasn't soaked was torn, mangled or broken. The only evidence that this place had once been a campsite (rather than, say, an abbatoir) was a circle of stones with some blackened bits of wood in the centre.
"Not likely, Detective," one of the officers on the scene responded, picking through a particularly soggy mess with a pen. "We don't get many bears in this part of B.C. Besides, bears don't do this."
Gilder swallowed hard (against a shift in the wind) and said, "So what happened?"
"Your call, Detective," the officer said, standing back up, still holding the dripping pen. "We're of the opinion it was some sort of animal attack, but who knows what kind? We found claw and scratch marks on the trees and some of the larger rocks scattered about, but they don't really match any of the patterns I recognize. I found wolf tracks, but they're farther on, outside of this area."
"Any idea of the victims?" Gilder asked. "Like who they a-were."
"Some sort of survey team, we think," the officer said, moving away from the scene of slaughter. Gilder gladly followed him. "We found smashed survey equipment around the clearing, and the tripod was impaled through one of the more intact bodies we took out earlier. The tripod had the word 'NTEX' on it. The rest had broken away."
Gilder stopped in his tracks.
"Show me some of the claw marks you found," he said, steeling himself to go back to the scene of the attack. "And think back. When this happened -"
"Two nights ago, most likely."
"-was there a full moon out?"

Werewolf Lore x1
Much of your knowledge of werewolves comes from fantasy and myth. You believe that werewolves may exist, and that they can be killed with silver bullets and repelled by wolfsbane. Werewolves can be hurt by normal weapons, but do not die from such attacks. You believe that werewolves change shape into hideous man-wolves on the night of the full moon, and then rampage about killing and eating people. Werewolves can pass their condition on by biting others - be careful while hunting them!
You suspect that werewolves gain some size, strength and speed while rampaging, but that they are unintelligent, slavering monsters while the moon is full. A werewolf can often be discerned by certain markings: a pentagram on the hand, index and middle fingers of the same length, eyebrows that meet in the centre of the forehead. Most werewolves are solitary, bestial creatures, just as quick to fight their own kind as to war with humans.

Werewolf Lore x2
You've learned that silver is quite effective against werewolves and that other attacks can injure them, but not kill them. You suspect that they can change shape at any time at night, but they are forced to change by the sight of the full moon. Wolfsbane is repellent to some, but not all. When shifted into their animalistic forms, werewolves are powerful predators, but they retain a cunning instinct. You also believe that the bite of a werewolf may be sufficient to pass on its condition, but that this does not always occur. Certain remedies, such as belladonna infusions, may help to delay or prevent the onset of lycanthropy contracted by a werewolf's bite. Of course, such potions are also poisonous, so there is risk.
A werewolf in its animal form is always larger and stronger than normal, and its claws and teeth are capable of rending flesh and bone with ease. Werewolves can sometimes be told by specific marks and traits, but not all werewolves exhibit these physical aberrations. Werewolves in the city are usually solitary individuals, though some from the country run in groups or packs, like wolves.

Werewolf Lore x3
You know that silver and fire can both injure and kill werewolves, and that persistent attacks of other sorts can sometimes kill them. Silver is baneful to werewolves in most of their forms, so they avoid it whenever possible. Wolfsbane and other herbs are largely useless against the shape-changers, unfortunately. Werewolves heal from most attacks quite rapidly, but a single overwhelming attack can slow one down long enough for a hunter to escape or make a final blow.
Werewolves apparently can assume forms anywhere along the range from man to wolf. They can shape-change whenever they want to, however the sight of the moon at night often forces the werewolf to change involuntarily.
It can be difficult to tell werewolves from real people - many are comfortable in their human forms, and they show few telltale signs of their human heritage, although all seem somehow eerie and predatory, making people uncomfortable in their presence. In any case, werewolves retain at least some in all their forms, so they can be dangerously clever wolves or predatory humans. They disdain or do not fully understand technology, living primitively even among human society. A werewolf is difficult to track, though, because people often block out the memories of when they have seen a werewolf enraged.
You know that werewolves have some means of travelling unseen, and that they sometimes gather in packs or groups. Different packs seem to have territories, and they may fight or work with other packs. Individual werewolves sometimes show specific cultural characteristics. Most werewolves follow some sort of shamanistic tradition.

Werewolf Lore x4
You always carry silver - it burns werewolves except in their most favoured forms, and wounds caused to them with silver do not heal easily. Fire is an acceptable weapon, but not as effective as silver. Other attacks must rely on main force to slow a werewolf down, and werewolves are killing machines that can hardly be matched by the toughest of hunters. Thus, you must rely on ambushes and careful planning to fight werewolves.
You know that werewolves often refer to themselves as "loup-garou." Often they run in packs, but each werewolf may claim allegiance to a specific camp or tribe as well. The full moon brings out a great fury in werewolves, but it does not force them to change. Each werewolf has a favoured form, and also a favoured time of the month - maybe something to do with the phase of the moon. The werewolf is more comfortable in their favoured form, but does not heal as rapidly. When in the wolf-man form, werewolves are terrifying berserkers, and most humans are frightened beyond rational thought by their rage. People tend to forget about such encounters, their minds defensively pushing away the experience.
You've learned that werewolves have a sort of vaguely First Nations, spiritual, shamanistic culture, and some can do some sort of magic based around Spirits. Different werewolves have different capabilities, older ones being more powerful. Werewolves also seem to have relatives among otherwise normal humans and wolves. When among human society, werewolves often disdain technology, and have a particular dislike of big corporations, factories and industry. Stranger still, some of them seem to be capable of taking other forms than wolves, but their legends are even more scarce.

Werewolf Lore x5
At this level of expertise, you think you know as much about werewolves as they usually know about themselves. Silver hurts and kills any werewolf, except when it is in its favoured form - the form in which it was born. Fire works as well. Anything else simply slows the werewolf down. You know that werewolves are not immune to physical harm, but that they heal most injuries with incredible rapidity. However, a werewolf in its birth form does not heal any faster than a normal person or wolf.
All individual "garou" as they call themselves, are part of a particular tribe or bloodline. Also, they are affiliated with certain phases of the moon, and they draw anger from it. Certain phases of the moon denote specific roles in society - trickster, shaman, mediator, bard, warrior. Most "garou" run in packs with others of different tribes, birth forms, and moon phases. A few packs are comprised of the "Black Spiral Dancer" tribe, a group of werewolves that fights the others of its kind.
"Garou" also have a potent spirituality. You know that they claim to enter a spirit world when they vanish, which they call "the Shadow," by stepping into a reflective surface, and that they can step back out through any similar surface. They also make deals with spirits, calling upon them for magical powers. Some packs have a particular patron spirit - a "totem" [sic] - that grants them additional boons.
All werewolves are killing machines when enraged. In their wolf-man forms, they are half again as tall as a human, incredibly fast and strong, and deadly with their claws and teeth. Worse, they remain intelligent, able to call upon both human cunning and animal instinct. At times, werewolves become terribly furious, and they are uncontrollably dangerous. They have a particular crusade against the spoils of progress, such as pollution, technology, and capitalism, although they are not total Luddites. You know that werewolves spend most of their time in the wilderness, guarding holy places where they commune with their spirit allies. You also know that they have relatives among both humans and wolves, and that they choose mates from among such relatives.
In their wolf-man form, werewolves cause a reaction that they call the "Delirium," causing people to rationalize away the sight of the werewolf. This survival instinct causes normal humans to flee in terror or curl into a ball hoping not to be noticed by the monster; only the strongest wills remain unbroken. However, the relatives of the werewolves are immune to this "Delirium." Aside from human and wolf relatives, there are some shape-shifters that take other forms: rats, lizards, crows and the like - but you know little of their ways.

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