Contrary to popular belief, the members of the Penitent Legions are not all mad, nor are the Wraiths who form the ranks of the Legions of the Grim uniformly prone to violence. The variety of individuals to be found within each Deathlord's Legions illustrates the reality that death comes equally to those of all classes, temperaments, and abilities. It is possible, however, to make a few generalizations about the character of each Legion. [from The Heirarchy: in the ranks of death.]
rim. The Legion of the Grim. Despite their warlike reputation, the members of this Legion do not come entirely from the ranks of warriors, nor are they necessarily violent in temperament. Those killed by violenece are not always violent themselves; more often they are innocent murder victims or civilian casualties of war. Nevertheless, this Legion is known for its frequent infighting. Oftentimes opponents in battle will arrive in the Underworld simultaneously and, if claimed by the same Reaper, will continue to fight until forcibly separated. In some instances, particularly in the days when the work of the Legions was solely focused on assisting wraiths to resolve their unfinished business, a murderer who died violently would find himself in the same Cohort as his victim.
Although the frequent outbreaks of warfare in the Skinlands contribute a significant proportion of military service people to the Grim Legion, its membership is just as varied as that of any other Legion. Alongside seasoned war veterans and raw recruits killed in their first battle, one finds elderly victims of vicious stabbings and the victims of serial killers and gang-related violence, as well as individuals whose deaths are attributed to crimes of passion. The Smiling Lord's Legions often attempt to lay claim to those persons who kill themselves in a violent fashion, declaring that violence -- not despair -- more accurately describes their mode of departure from the land of the living.
merald. The Emerald Legion. Anyone can fall prey to accidental death or natural disasters, so the members of the Emerald Legion come from all walks of life. Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires, and other "Acts of God" take no notice of an individual's temperament or qualifications. Those who died in the first Halifax Explosion in 1917, or the Bedford Magazine Explosion cared not for such things. Neither do drunken drivers choose their victims by career path, age, physique or gender. Nevertheless, the Emerald Legion does include in its ranks a greater proportion globally of reckless or merely clumsy individuals.
Because the nature of many disasters is such that whole families and sometimes entire towns perish, the Emerald Legion often has to cope with hordes of wraiths who have few or no Fetters. It is said that the Legions of the Emerald Lord often carry spare Fetters with them to Lifeweb to potential recruits. How they get these Fetters is a matter of wide speculation, and the issue has earned the Legion a somewhat dubious reputation.

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