
Player Information

Venue Name: Well of Sorrows
Genre: Wraith

Domain: CN D06
Contact: Greg Paradis DST [email protected],
Nathan Kraus VST,
or David Fox DC [email protected]

Place/Time: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. One Friday of every Month.


The Game:
Once a bastion of the Hierarchy's power, Halifax is a shadow of its former glory. Attacks from within and without have crippled the Hierarchy but a new council of Anacreaons have vowed to drive back the forces of Oblivion and restore the Necropolis to its former glory. After the previous council's fall into corruption, paranoia runs high and even the slightest accusation of a breach of the Dictum Mortum can have swift repercussions. Despite the danger, there is also great opportunity for advancement for Oblivion is a tenacious opponent. Theme/Mood:
The Theme: Struggle for Survival. With the constant threat of spectre attacks, the ceaseless assault of one's Shadow, and the paranoia that has infected the Hierarchy of late, a wraith who can go a day without coming to some sort of misfortune should count himself lucky. Oblivion is a relentless foe; those that let down their guard don't often get a chance to redress their mistake.
The Mood: Desperation. The Underworld is a merciless place. The slightest misstep by a wraith can send him hurting into Oblivion's arms or straight to the soulforges of the Hierarchy. Friends are both a luxury and a liability few wraiths can afford and the only constant in a wraith's existence wants nothing more then the Psyche's horrible demise after much pain and suffering.

Character restrictions and allowances:

This game is a principally Hierarchy game. As such, Renegades, Heretics, and the Shadow Eaten are unlikely to be considered as characters at this stage. This is not to say that such is not possible, simply that focus is placed on the PCs' place in the front lines of the Hierarchy against Oblivion.

Proxy rules:

Travel risks: Halifax is home to a permanent Nihil that opens into the Labyrinth. The area is teeming with spectres and only the foolhardy or those skilled in Argos would brave the Tempest. The only travel to and from the Necropolis is via the Midnight Express, which is no guarantee of safe passage given Halifax's current condition.

Challenges: Challenges are resolved as in 5.0 and 5.1, with the following amendments/clarifications as listed in Venue Notes.
Venue Notes: When shadow bidding, a wraith's Shadow can offer a number of extra traits up to 1/2 it's permanent angst (round up). If the wraith succeeds in the challenge, he gains a number of temporary angst traits equal to the number of traits bid. If he loses, the Shadow loses one temporary angst trait and cannot shadow bid for the remainder of the scene.
When being Shadowguided, a wraith's shadow may bid his own negative traits against him during challenges. The Shadowguide will whisper or otherwise make known to ONLY the player in question the trait. The player will then have to bid an additional trait as per normal rules.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Nathan Krause CA2002-02-3199[WW] 2001-11-082[NPO]
Title: VST
Address: Private
Telephone: (902) 461-7794 Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): no

Style: A wraith's life in Halifax is grim indeed. If the spectres don't get you, the ever-growing paranoia of the Hierarchy will. And ever close by to lend some words of advice is the character's Shadow. This game will play up the ugliness of the Shadowlands. Characters do not "fortunately become a wraith", only those truly unlucky souls get stuck being a wraith. This game aims to bring home the ever-present torture that is a wraith's Shadow with every player receiving plenty of attention from a Shadowguide. As well, this game also intends to demonstrate the "At Any Cost" mentality of the Hierarchy and highlight questionable morality of many of these actions.
Antagonists: Conflict will primarily come from the environment and the wraith's own Shadow. As well inter-PC conflicts will be encouraged with politics and external pressures.

Venue Rules:
As per 5.1 and 5.0 supplements, with additionals as above [Venue Notes] and follows:
When shadow bidding, a wraith's Shadow can offer a number of extra traits up to 1/2 it's permanent angst (round up). If the wraith succeeds in the challenge, he gains a number of temporary angst traits equal to the number of traits bid. If he loses, the Shadow loses one temporary angst trait and cannot shadow bid for the remainder of the scene.
Also when being Shadowguided, a wraith's shadow may bid his own negative traits against him. The Shadowguide will whisper or otherwise make known to ONLY the player in question the trait. The player will then have to bid an additional trait as per normal.
There will be minimal crossovers for this venue. Pre-planned crossovers with other venues may be possible with the appropriate CST approval but the possibility for character driven crossover will be small. After the last Council's implosion, the current Anacreaons are coming down hard on any breaches of the Dictum Mortum.
Visiting character & plot policy: Visiting characters should take note of all aspects of this venue sheet. of great importance is the element of mystery. Characters with high level lores will be reminded that such information is not given out freely or frequently; information from lores will frequently be disallowed to enter this Domain. Some plots will not be admitted based on the current situation of the Halifax Domain and the nature of the foreign plot.

Intrigue (politics and negotiation): 3
Action (combat and challenges): 3
Mystery (enigmas and investigation): 2
Drama (ceremony and characterization): 3
Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption): 5
Threat of Shadow: 5
Politics: 3
Humanity and the Skinlands: 3
Hierarchy versus Renegades: 3
Hierarchy versus Heretics: 2
Hierarchy versus Dark Kingdoms: 1
Renegades versus Heretics: 1

main history legions introduction contacts

venue concept site index the golden rules

The most recent updates to the site are available.
The Canadian Regional Web Site for the Camarilla.

Most of the stuff on this page is copyright by White Wolf Publishing Inc. Used without express permission, and without any intent to challenge their rights to the material. The purpose of this site is to provide support for a Live Action troupe who create improvisational stories through Wraith: the Oblivion. Our local Domain is Halifax: CND-006.

THE CAMARILLA, VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE, WEREWOLF: THE APOCALYPSE, WRAITH: THE OBLIVION, and CHANGELING: THE DREAMING are all registered Trademarks of White Wolf Game Studios. Any use of White Wolf Game Studios' copyrighted material or trademarks at this WWW site should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.
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