Contents - Including both Descriptive Commentary and Recommendations for Readings of Particular Value.

1 Index and Main Page
- This is where It Begins. Access to general introduction, history, et cetera. The welcome. Recommended.
2 Introduction
- This page points the way to the assorted views of Camarilla Kindred Culture and History, with directions to the Introductory explanations for players and audience both New and Old.
3 Guide to Kindred Culture
- An examination of Camarilla Culture both for those New to the Venue, and for those Familiar. This looks at some of the Hows and the Whys of the story. Strongly Recommended.
4 A Lexicon and Glossary
- This should assist those unfamiliar with some of the Terms of Vampiric Society and of the Venue. Divided into sections, such as General Society, Politics, et cetera. Strongly Recommended.
5 Clans
- Descriptions and examinations of the Various Bloodlines of the Vampiric Society, from the greatest lineages to those near forgotten. All have a role to play in these Final Nights.
8 History
- This first part of our Histories looks at the History of the World, from the Dawn of Time Age to the Final Nights which are upon us. Many Kindred are only slightly Familiar with this Knowledge.
10 Traditions
- There are few Laws which bind the Kindred, and These are They. The Masquerade is held by near all Camarilla Kindred, Bound by tradition and Bound by Blood and Bound by Honour. These are laws older than the the Camarilla itself.

41 Elysium
42 The Prince
43 Experience
- As the Tale progresses, the Heros and the Villains will Develop, their Characters will Deepen, and they will Learn New Things. This process is examined, and its Mechanics explained.

61 The City
- An annotated map of the area explores sites of importance and note.
62 Dramatis Personae
- These are the Characters of Note in our Story, those Seen upon the Stage. Heroes, Villains, all to be found here, should their Interests stand within this Bawn.
65 The History of this City
- The Night City of Halifax, and the Praxis of its Rule, has a History both Long and Short.
66 Tales of the City
- Through Diligent Effort, a continued History of this City since the Rise of the New Prince can be found gathered, whispered in dark corners and scribed in forgotten tomes.

75 Updates
- Listing the Most Recent Updates and Changes to the Site as a Whole, this is a Very Useful Resource for Frequent Visitors. Recommended.
76 The "Venue Sheet"
- A description for Players in the Game, Actors in our Tale, to learn the Intent and the Setting of this Story. Here are the Contacts needed, Restrictions upon Characters to be Introduced, the Ease with which one might Visit From Away.
77 The Golden Rules
- These are the Essence of what marks the Method of the Telling of this Tale. Our Collective of Actors bears always These in Mind. Strongly Recommended.
78 The Code of Conduct
- the Camarilla Organization of which this Shining Host Troupe is a Part, holds these Rules to be its Code of Conduct. These Supplement and Addend to the Golden Rules noted Above. These are The Law for our Actors. Strongly Recommended.
79 Contacts
- For those who would Know their StoryTeller, the Bard for thsi Tale, or who would find those sould who Coordinate the Real World Efforts that this Venue's Events might Happen, this Page lists them, and means by which to Contact them. In addition, other Web Sites of Note can be found here, of Interest to those Involved in Playing the Masquerade.

100 Malkavians
- This page (not yet extent) Examines one of the Many Clans which make up the whole of the Lineage of Caine. The Malkavians are a much-misunderstood Bloodline amongst the Kindred.
150 Gangrel
- No longer amongst the Camarilla, this Clan has returned to its distant origins amongst the deep forests and lost places. Few now remain amongst concrete and steel.

i Contents
- This Very Page.
ii Bibliography
- A List of other Works of Interest, and where they may be Found.
iii A Treatise on the Playing of Roles within the Tale
- Twin Articles on How to Play one not quite human, how to Act upon our Stage, and Why.
v Regional Rules and Rulings
- These rules apply to the telling of the tale, when upon the stage in Canada. Recommended.
vi The Halifax Explosion
- This event perhaps more than Any Other has affected the History of this City, and thus also of this Sept within our Story. This information was assembled by the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Go for a Visit, and Learn. Recommended.
vii Oak Island
- An examination of the Elusive "Treasure" on Oak Island, a site of Local Interest.
viii Also Oak Island
- A less Reasonable Treatise on the Connections Between Oak Island and the Templars, and the Holy Grail.
xii Domain Survey
- Questions for Actors, Stage Managers, and Directors alike. A survey on Character, Story, and Coordination for the members of the Dark Citadel domain.

main history introduction contacts

venue concept site index the golden rules
The Canadian Regional Web Site for the Camarilla.

Most of the stuff on this page is copyright by White Wolf Publishing Inc. Used without express permission, and without any intent to challenge their rights to the material. The images on this page belong to the Alderac Entertainment Group and the artists thereof. The purpose of this site is to provide support for a Live Action troupe who create improvisational stories through Vampire: The Masquerade. Our local Domain is Halifax: CND-006.

THE CAMARILLA, VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE, WEREWOLF: THE APOCALYPSE, WRAITH: THE OBLIVION, and CHANGELING: THE DREAMING are all registered Trademarks of White Wolf Game Studios. Any use of White Wolf Game Studios' copyrighted material or trademarks at this WWW site should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.
No more than 1500 words of text may be taken from any single White Wolf book and no more than 10,000 total taken from any White Wolf Products. Any text used must cite the Book taken from and the page number.


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