My name is Andy Wilson. I am a 31-year-old senior digital print designer.

     Unfortunately I have been unable to find decent enough photos of both of us to put up on this site but I did find one of myself we used on the Company Intranet site - you have been warned!!!!!!

Press to see the Slut!

          We live in a run down town called Cumbernauld, ten miles east of Glasgow. It has a web site, but is such a boring place I'm not going to include a link to it!!

        As you already know I LUV the Rocky Horror Show. I have been a follower since I was about 13, and a friend took me to see it at a theatre in Glasgow. Since then I have lost track of the amount of times I have seen it and the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

       My other interests outside of the RHS include Fishing, reading, music (mainly 70's and 80's rock) and photography. The present project I am working on though, is to build a Trike. For the unenlightened that is a 3-wheel motor bike based around a car engine and transmission ( gearbox etc )


As regulars will have noted I have changed the first paragraph this is because Liz (the wife) is no longer a "homemaker", she started work on the 2nd April. Thank God (to virgins that's Richard 'God' O'Brien) for that!

As I've said before, I'm a member of about 8 RHS Yahoo clubs, and I love being on each and everyone of them, but I feel that Scotland needs a club, if for nothing else but to try and bring all the nutters under one roof. We have no real Rocky scene here, the the American sense, and I hope that a Scottish club will try and encourage people to get together and talk and maybe start arranging things and generally having a good time. So If you are in the Scotland or know someone who is please join. I'm feeling kind of lonely all by myself. 

Real news at last. The site is finally listed on The Ultimate Rocky Horror Links page. Thanks and everything to Midnight Madness You've made my year.


If anyone wants to contact me check the E-mail link below. Hope to hear from you soon.


Andy ( aka Franks_lab)



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