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Welcome to Rehmeyer's Hollow. Here is a brief account of what took place in 1928.

John Blymire was a fourth generation Witch. At the age of 16 or 17, he was stricken with a case of bad luck and bad health. He had trouble eating and sleeping and believed he was under the curse of another witch. For years he visited other pow-wowwers like himself, but nobody could help him find the cause of his trouble. Finally, a woman known as the River Witch told him who had put a hex on him. His name was Nelson Rehmeyer. A Witch that was relatively well known and feared. The River Witch told john the only way to rid himself of the hex was to get Rehmeyers spellbook, or take a lock of his hair and bury it 6-8 feet deep. November 28th, 1928, at 12:01 AM while attempting to get the spellbook, John Blymire and two accomplices murdered Nelson Rehmeyer. Now it is believed that the ghost of Nelson Rehmeyer still haunts Rehmeyer's Hollow. Now click on the links below to check out our first visit to this spooky place, and the adventure that we like to call

The Rehmeyer experience

This is Rehmeyer's house as it looked in 1928.

Our first visit to Hex Hollow (just me and Dust)

The Rehmeyer Experience

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