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Save Hinduism to save the Cow!

Arvasthan Singh Lahori


Save Hinduism to save the Cow!

For millennia, the Gau Mata (cow) has been the central symbol of Hindu veneration. Terracotta seals from the Indus-Saraswati civilisation of the third millennium BC, attest to this. Devotion to Gau Mata is a stepping stone towards deeper respect for all life, culminating in a vegetarian lifestyle and living in harmony with nature. This stands in stark contrast to capitalist economic rapacity, or Marxist intransigence of the environment, themselves born of the Christian and Islamic belief that fauna, flora, and the mineral treasures of Earth are gifts for human exploitation.

The idea of ecological maintenance and balance has no place in the equation. Yet as the Vedic notions of vegetarianism, environmentalism, and animal rights have spread to the west, India has regressed to the European Dark Ages. This can be seen not only in the destruction of forest and wildlife, horrendous pollution and the added human misery, but the final insult to Hinduism. This is the assault on Gau Mata herself. Dara Singh is an activist who sincerely and conscientiously has tried to stop the cruel transport of the cattle.

The seemingly drastic actions of Dara have been necessitated due to the fact that existing laws pertaining to cruelty of animals are never strictly enforced. The existing ground realities that incapacitates "cruelty to animals" enforcement are primarily two - Marxism and minority appeasement. As in any democracy where just the numbers matter, religious minorities are considered as a vote bank and the view of silent majority is often ignored.

The concomitant laws have been drafted and enforced to make the majority impotent. India is a Hindu country in census terms only – and within 15 years not even this will be true. Cow slaughter is illegal, save for Marxist dominated Kerela and West Bengal. National and state laws uphold the sanctity of Gau Mata. But India is a country where cow slaughter is big business. This is not just for leather, which can be gained equally from cattle that has died a natural death. Beef is the reason, destined to satisfy Middle Eastern palates and those of self-hating Hindus who yearn for the traditional Sunday roast of the colonial era, even when such a diet has decreased popularity among the British themselves.

Increasing consumerism brings with it the Jean, cola and hamburger civilisation, deemed to be progress by India’s self appointed leaders, and by Hinduphobic Hindu opportunists the world over. Once worshipping Marx, and sometimes still so, they devote their obedience to the Christian and Islamic superiority that they feel is so self-evident. To this they add new gods of McWorld, with the cow veneration turned perversely on its head.

Once Hindus garlanded cows with flowers and vermilion, as the central object of adoration on holy ground. Now the best cows can expect from ‘progressive’ and ‘modernistic’ Hindus is to be garlanded with fried potatoes, mushy peas, and gravy, as the central object on dining furniture with its impeccably white table cloth.

Christianity and Islam see India as fair game, with Hindus as easy food on which they can ideologically feast themselves. They have no need for cow veneration. Islam indeed urges cow slaughter to offend Hindus. The prominence of Christians and Muslims, with their pseudo-Hindu lackeys, in the Indian beef and leather trade is well known. But Hindus dare not criticise this for fear of being labelled, fanatic, communal, fundamentalist. What is so fundamentalist about wanting ecological balance, the nutritious vegetarian lifestyle, and respect for fellow living creatures, ideas that are accepted by rational and sane people in the west?

India is no longer a sanctuary for the cow because it is no longer a Hindu country. Any Hindu who rejects this extreme consumerism that defiles their most holiest of holies is deemed ‘fascist’ and pays heavy penalties. Dara Singh falls into this category and an unfortunate victim of politics. He now languishes in jail with a totally fabricated case against him. The politicians and Marxists are hell bent on making an example out of Dara for the rest of the animal activists.


Arvasthan Singh Lahori

Copyright (c) 2000




Arvasthan Singh Lahori

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