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"I have made up my mind to work against cow slaughter, conversions by Christian missionaries and the killing of Indian forces in Kashmir and the northeast after my release,"



A social worker fighting injustice for his people and his country.

Latest News

Dara Singh's condition 'serious' after his basic human rights were abused.

Dara Singh acquitted in truck burning case

Orissa BJP leader to defend Dara Singh

Dara Singh Defends Hinduism in court

Save Hinduism to save the cows - by Lahori

Dara Singh acquitted in cow looting case

Child Rights activists to advocate Chenchu release - Pioneer News

Dara Singhs Human Rights Abused - Times of India

  Announcement: We would like to thank Liberation Magazine , Teach Animal Objectivity (TAO) , Hindu , for their continuing support. Also thanks to people around the world who are giving us their support.

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picture of Dara SinghDara Singh is a well known animal rights activist and a Hindu social worker.  He has voluntarily offered his services to the poor and needy Hindu tribal people who reside in the forests of Orissa, India. 

It so happens that he was the only one who heard their grievances and fought against the injustices that were inflicted upon them.  He is held in high esteem among these simple people as a consequence of his ability to empathize with their plight and willingness to fight for their cause.  In short, he has stood by them when it mattered the most!

A little while ago, Dara Singh was arrested for the murder of an Australian missionary and his sons.  His name has also been linked with the murder of a man illegally running a cow slaughterhouse.  It is a well known fact that he was nowhere near the scene of the crimes!  But due to police incompetence and corruption in not finding the real culprits; Dara Singh has been made a convenient scapegoat by the police and has been framed for crimes he did not commit. 

Locked up and occasionally tortured in jail, he awaits his trial; if convicted, he faces the death penalty! A campaign for his freedom has already been launched in and out of India.

This is your chance, to join us, and help Free Dara Singh.



Arvasthan Singh Lahori

Copyright (c) 2000

The Twisted portrayal of Hindu Gods by Christians
Dara Singh And 'PETA'

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