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Dara Singh defends Hinduism in court!

Dara Singh, the man falsely accused in the killing of Australian missionary Graham Stuart Staines and his two minor sons, will work to safeguard Hinduism from internal and external enemies. "I have made up my mind to work against cow slaughter, conversions by Christian missionaries and the killing of Indian forces in Kashmir and the northeast after my release," Singh told a Bhubaneswar court on Tuesday where he was produced in connection with the Staines murder case. "I have information that Christian missionaries have become more active in Orissa following my arrest. But I will not allow Christian priests to move freely to convert innocent Hindus," he said. Dara Singh is in Baripada jail after his arrest last year. Singh's is sure he will be released because he claims he was framed in the case.

He is planning to set up Dara Sena branches all over the country. The Dara Sena was formed by his supporters, led by Delhi businessman Mukesh Jain and others after Singh's arrest in January last year to provide him legal help and mobilise people to support Singh. He said that the Dara Sena would work for protection of the Hindu religion. Singh compared the Sena with Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's Azad Hind Fauj and Phoolan Devi's Eklavya Bahini. "I have no other desire but to protect the Hindu religion.

All those working against the interests of the religion are my enemies," he said When reminded that his Hindutva agenda was dear to outfits like the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bajrang Dal, Singh told, "What is wrong with the Sangh Parivar's agenda? After all they are the true protectors of the Hindu religion in India." He did not rule out joining politics after his release. "I am not denying that I will enter politics after my release but it will be decided by the Dara Sena's executive committee," he said. He made it clear that he would only join a party that supported the Hindutva agenda. Clad in a kurta pyjama with a saffron tilak on his forehead, Dara Singh, came to the Central Bureau of Investigation designated court, surrounded by armed police. Singh said that a Ram temple should be built at the disputed site in Ayodhya because it has become a matter of prestige for Hindus. "A Ram temple has to be built at the disputed site at any cost. It is a matter of faith for millions of Hindus," he said. "I have little doubt that the Ram temple will be built because everything and everyone favours it," he said. He said that he supported Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's view that the temple construction was necessary because it was an expression of national sentiment.


The Twisted portrayal of Hindu Gods by Christians
Dara Singh And 'PETA'
Framed For The Murder Of Arul Doss
An Interview With Dara Singh
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