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Dara Singh And 'PETA'

" I was actively involved too in the movement against illegal trade in cows and cow slaughter. "

dead cows
Like Dara Singh's campaign in India, there has also been a persistent on-going campaign against cow slaughter in India backed internationally by the ‘People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA).  In 1999, PETA secretly video-taped the brutal transport, maintenance and slaughter of cows and buffalos in India.  They filmed the horrifying torture been inflicted upon the cows.  On many occasions, red chillies were deliberately and forcefully rubbed into the eyes of the cows.  Furthermore, they were forced to jump from lorry beds, risking broken legs and pelvises.  They were denied food and water, in spite of the numerous anti-slaugher laws that are meant to protect the cows.
slaughtered cows

The report propelled a vociferous demand for a ban on Indian leather in the world market.  To this effect, demonstrations were held in the USA, UK and by people like Dara Singh in India.

The protests are being held to publicise the cruelty meted on cows in a country that has long considered animals like the cow to be sacred.

28 Cows are being killed every minute in India

Brief History Of Dara Singh
The Twisted portrayal of Hindu Gods by Christians
Dara Singh And 'PETA'
Framed For The Murder Of Arul Doss
Missionary Activity Under British Rule
An Interview With Dara Singh
Main Page
PETA Online
No Cats Please! Present Attitude Towards Animals
Indian Cow Transport
Retailers To Boycott Indian Leather


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