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Missionary Activity Under British Rule


In the early 1800s some of the greatest advances in the field of Sanskrit and indological study was made at Oxford University.

H.H. Wilson became the first Boden Professor of Sanskrit. His successor, the famous professor M.Monier Williams clearly outlines in an extract the "British mind at work" and the true purpose of indological study-

I must draw attention to the fact that I’m only the second occupant of the Boden chair, and its founder Colonel Boden stated most explicitly in his will (dated August 15th, 1811)

The special object of his munificent bequest was to promote the translation of the Hindu scriptures from Sanskrit to English so as to enable the British to proceed in the conversion of the native Hindoo of India to the Christian religion<

Such a vile, mindful and contemptuous agenda was been drawn up to eradicate Hinduism.

In 18th century Europe, religion meant Christianity. One was irreligious if one was not a Christian. And one was considered illiterate if one could not read the English Bible.

Alexander Duff (1806-1878) founded the Scotts collage in Calcutta; this was set up as the " headquarters" for a great campaign against Hinduism. Duffs avowed mission was to convert the Hindoo by enrolling them into English run schools and colleges; at the schools he placed emphasis on learning the English language. To learn the English language meant teaching Christianity through the medium of literacy. By learning English the Indian people were virtually forced to learn the bible.

The Indian people were emphatically taught that Christianity was a superior form of spirituality, and that their own religious heritage was backward and uncivilised. It was made to believe that the religious sentiments of the Indians (and that of their forefathers) was demonic and diffident.

This Christian domination was accelerated by the battle of Plassey in 1757 when the Indian army was fatally conquered by the British East India Company.

History informs us, at this crucial period of time that the British had gained total control of India. The British were the new rulers of a abundant land of riches but more importantly they had the power to manipulate, distort and tarnish humanities oldest religion-Hinduism.

This advanced religion posed a grave threat to the ever expanding British Empire and the constant acquisition of material wealth so therefore it had to be destroyed and stamped out

Such plans give a clear illustration of the state of mind of the conquerors in that period of Indian history. A great deal has not changed, the British may have gone but the Christian missionaries are prevalent in Indian society. During the British Raj military might and Christianity went hand in hand, carefully planned and premeditated.

Present day it is conversions that are taking place on such a large scale. Let us not delude ourselves; conversion of an individual does not take place after a serious and comparative study of theology, philosophy, ethics etc. It is by exploitation of poverty, illiteracy and ignorance; offerings of inducements and by deceptive tactics.

Such are the sentiments of Dara Singh but because he’s pro Hindu, anti- cow slaughter and anti-conversions, he has been framed for the murder of a Christian missionary. The authorities have not obtained any hard evidence that suggests that Dara Singh is a criminal for such a unfortunate incident. Instead he is being portrayed as a criminal because he has highlighted the real threat that Christianity poses to India and it’s ancient religion.

Brief History Of Dara Singh
The Twisted portrayal of Hindu Gods by Christians
Dara Singh And 'PETA'
Framed For The Murder Of Arul Doss
Missionary Activity Under British Rule
An Interview With Dara Singh
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