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The twisted portrayal of Hindu Gods by the Christian Church


Christian artists portraying the Hindu Gods as evil

" Missionaries have been targeting our religion. They have been converting Hindus by deceit and inducements. "

- Dara Singh

From the earliest date the Christian church had taught that all the pagan religions were invented by the devil. In late medieval painting demons instead of idols were often shown standing on antique columns. Many of the clergy had agreed that not only were the pagan gods demons but these demons were the forces that were alive and active in a Christian sublunary world, that attacked souls and tempted them. The whole early medieval psychology of sin was bounded with this. St. Augustine had sanctioned the idea that the demons persuaded the ancients to false belief. Some of the most virulent attacks on pagan gods are to be found in St. Augustine's De Civitata Dei, where he argued that devils presented themselves to be adored, but that they were no gods but wicked fiends and most foul, unclean and impotent spirits. This goes a long way in explaining the deliberate Christian attempts to portray the Hindu gods possessing a demonic disposition.

Sacrifices to Indian God

Idol of Calicut

Christian artists portraying Hindu Gods as evil.

Hindu Gods Potrayed as the Devil


Brief History Of Dara Singh
The Twisted portrayal of Hindu Gods by Christians
Dara Singh And 'PETA'
Framed For The Murder Of Arul Doss
Missionary Activity Under British Rule
An Interview With Dara Singh
Main Page
PETA Online
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