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Dara Singh's condition serious after his basic human rights were abused.

The condition of Shri Dara Singh, falsely accused in the killing of Christian missionary Graham Staines and his sons in January 2000, is reported to be in a very serious condition. Singh continued an indefinite fast for the fourth day on Friday, at the Baripada circle jail in Orissa.

Dara Singh is reported to be treated worse than a caged animal, with unhygenic living conditions, and virtually no air circulation, and due to the heat wave conditions he is only asking for a ceiling fan in his cell.

"His condition deteriorated on Thursday night and his condition can be termed serious," sources said.

The assistant district medical officer said that jail doctors were monitoring his condition. "Dara Singh was administered saline on Thursday and Friday," he said.

"We are trying to convince Dara Singh to break the fast, but he is adamant," Mayurbhanj District Collector D K Singh said.

Singh has been thrown at Baripada since January last year, when he was arrested by the Orissa police in connection with the Staines murder case.

His trial in the case in the district and sessions court, Khurda, was adjourned till June 11, as Dara could not be brought to the court, following his indefinite fast.

Dara had earlier written to the district collector, pleading a fan, sources said. Dara had claimed that his mental and physical agony had increased due to the heat wave conditions.

Basic human rights have yet again been taken away from Dara Singh, who is strong and determined to fight for animal rights. Recent reports have shown that Indian film actress Juhi Chawla, Monisha Koirala and many other actors have joined PETA to fight against the cruelty practised against animals in India.

India has become the headquaters for mistreating and torturing animals, which are still being transported in illegally overcrowded, bone-cracking conditions and being slaughtered in the blood drenched floors of Indian slaughter houses.

The mystical land of Bharat (India) which has strongly believed and practised animal welfare and protection of the environment since time immemorial has now buried its head in the sand hiding away from the shameful practice of violating the anti-creulty code of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism).

- Shiva Bhakt

Related Link:

The Twisted portrayal of Hindu Gods by Christians
Dara Singh And 'PETA'

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