The Great History of The Sultanate of Freelonia

The Sultanate is founded by Ibrahim Sirkeci, on a cold day of 1996 winter.
He just decided to form a micronation for freedom seeker, heimatlosses of
the globe. In this respect every year we are celebrating our independence
on 9th of December.

The idea was to form a micronation, or a cybernation as the genre was
named later, which on a theoretical basis posed a threat to the conventional
sovereign nation states of the world. It had looked quite a challenge at the
time as the internet was not yet under -freak- control. This is one of the
reasons of low activity in recent years, as there is left very little room for
freedom over the net. Continuous surveillance and registration-craze ruined
the whole ideal. May be it was the naivite of our sultan and the nation in
these early years.

The writing of this short history of our country has been initiated by our
unique and cheerfull historicist Esra Sahtiyanci.


The Story of the Name: Freelonia

Freelonia is a name which consists of two word's meanings; "Free" and
"Alone." We thought that the name of a utopic country, which aims to gather
all people of the globe under the same frame, should and inevitably be a
body of people who are alone and wish to be free. Therefore we called our
contry as 'Freelonia'. This means, at the same time a country of 'Freedom'.
This name is created by our first and founder Sultan Ibrahim I.
The Sultanate of Freelonia
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