These are the pictures of my trip up and down the Mississippi River with the American Wind Symphony Orchestra.
This is at where the barge was docked over the winter. We had to get an air conditionar from the peer to the barge. (lots of fun!)
This is where I spent a lot of my time. The engine room. 3 German engines (with equal German temper) puched the 195x35 foot barge. I got a lot of reading done on my 2 hour engine room shifts.
This is a close-up of the port engine that would always overheat. While the center one would always loose the engine cooling water and need to be shut down. The starboard side engine lost steering and we had to keep it straight from back here.
This is the Point-Counterpoint II. The center section raises with the help of hydraulic rams. It seats a 45 piece orchestra.
This is a close-up of the concert shell.
This is the first concert. I was behind the spotlight when it got darker. This is in Peoria IL.
This is a view of the barge topside heading into a lock. These are very dangerous because if your line gets overlapped, you can be cut in half. If you get your fingers caught up in the line. You lose them.
This is the dam part of the lock. Very interesting picture if you ask me.
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