^^^Mattie and Lauren just chillin    ((Below)) Mattie and condoms
^ Mattie, Mere, and Lara-Best Friends
Mattie and Lara, and Mattie and Meredith in the middle of a very RAD parade infront of my house.
Enjoy looking at all the stupid shit we did this summer
^^Me and Aj, just bein sweet as usual at aaron's party
(below) Lara, Mere, Frankie, Aussy, and Me
Me posing with the handicaped parking sign at the mall >>
Liz and Mattie
Mere, Lara, and Me chillin while the cookies bake.
Meredith-Mattie-and Molly just haning out one day after soccer and Xcountry! We're so sporty.
Jacqui and Mattie just pickin up the sexiest man at the mall...AGAIN! :) >>
(below) Mattie in her new shirt.
Mere, Lara, Maxi, and Me this summer. I thought that this was the cutest picture in the world.
MT after soccer one day
Kristen with some type of snail thing>
Mattie at the fair with her pet fish-Superman
Kristen vaccuming Ritz's photo store
Matt tapping at the fair
Matt tapping at the fair, again.
Matt, the fourth best tap dancer in the world, winning the talent show at the fair this summer.
<~~Mattie and Lauren with a cop before the Neve Concert. No, this isn't during the drug bust! haha-lauren!!
^^Mattie and lauren with two of the guys from Neve.
Other Shit We Did This Summer
Matchbox 20 Concert
MHS Soccer
A whole big group of us went to the big Neve, D-Cru, & Edwin Mc Cain concert up at the mall. Me and Lauren got to meet all of Neve, and hung out with them. I have a lot of pictures from that concert, but I'm too lazy to scan them all...so sorry!! :) DEAL WITH IT! :) hehe!
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