Friends of the Human Spirit -  Edition A/14    -  April/May 2004


Everyone has a time in life when they would begin to, or continue to question intensely the meaning of life and the true purpose of human existence. I guess, we all just wake up one day with a deep void in our life and say, "wait a minute, something is not quite right. I just can't continue to mechanically, get up everyday, go to work, eat, sleep, wake up, go to work, eat, sleep, then wake up again, go to work, eat, sleep, day after day, month after month, year after year. And then, one day, "puff" it's all over".

We feel there is much more to life than we see, hear, taste, smell and feel. Then we begin to question, and the questioning becomes a search for self-discovery and the quest for the meaning of life and human existence.

It was at this point in my life that I literally had a dream, and in that dream, I was having a conversation with a man who told me about a group he called, Friends of the Human Spirit. He told me that the group was a forum where people would come together to learn from, and support one another in their quest to remember  and understand that they are all spirits having a human experience.
He told me that the group helps people to acknowledge, heal and connect with the oneness of the spirit within, and then encourage them to reach out and help others heal and connect with their spirit.

When I asked what the Friends of the Human Spirit meant, I was told simply that a Friend of the Human Spirit is a friend of God.

The format, mission and vision expressed to me in that dream, is today the format, mission and vision of the Friend of the Human Spirit, manifested in "our reality"

Rex Thomas
There is power in words. words can heal and words can kill
Think before you speak and heal with your words
Make it a habit to say a kind word to everyone that comes your way.
The way to the Human Spirit is  through thoughts and words
Kind thoughts and words can heal the spirit
Negative thoughts and words can kill the spirit
In the beginning was the word, and the word was made flesh
So, you see, we are words made flesh
We are not just humans, we are also spirits
And to truly love
You must first love the Spirit, before you can love the Human
So, look beyond the human flesh, skin, hair, cloths, height, weight, I.Q.
And truly, truly, see their spirit
For in their spirit, you will see yourself
And you will begin to understand the greatest mystery of all,
The mystery of oneness

I see myself in all of you and I truly love you all.

Rex Thomas Okagbue
Voices from the Afterlife ****
by Lily Fairchil

Science of Mind *****
by Ernest Holmes

The Celestial Prophesy ***
by James Redfield

Many Lives, Many Masters ****
by Dr. Brian Weiss
Book Suggestions
Movie Suggestions

A Message from the  Friends of the Human Spirit
What Dreams May Come ****
Out on a Limb ***
Matrix ***

Friends of the Human Spirit promotes a world-wide network of Distant Healing and Prayers. If you or someone you know is in need of distant healing, prayers and messages of love, comfort and hope. Please contact us  at: [email protected]

Please include the name or names of the people that needs distant healing and prayers. Also, if you want us to contact, write, visit or talk to the person or people on your list, please indicate and include their contact information. We would gladly reach out, support and help in anyway we can
Distant Healing & Prayer Request
Over the years, since Friends of the Human Spirit began in 1994, 
people have often asked me about the why's and the what's of Friends of the Human Spirit?, and my answer has always been that Friends of the Human Spirit was born literally and metaphorically from a "dream".
"The understanding of the Human Spirit is the begining of wisdom, and true spirituality transcends religion"
Rex Thomas Okagbue
Friends of the Human Spirit - Hamilton/Dundas needs a volunteer facilitator.
for more information  Please contact Dorothy and Andrea at
(905) 628 3832
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