Friends of the Human Spirit - Event Calendar & Retreat
Group meetings

Meetings are held on Saturdays at locations in Toronto, Hamilton and Sao Paulo, Brazil

Meeting Sequence:

Part I - Talks and Group Discussions

-General introduction of friends
-Introduction of guest speaker and topic
-Talks, questions and answers
-Open-group discussion
-Sharing of individual experiences, spiritual comforts and counseling, with occasional psychotherapeutic exercises

Part II - Tea Break

-Listen to music, have tea and cookies, and get to know other members present

Part III - Guided Meditation and Creative Visualization

-Guided meditation for spiritual awakening, healing and stress release

Part IV - Group Energy Dynamics

-The power of prayer experienced and enhanced through dynamic group-energy focus for spiritual benefits, healing, personal realization and empowerment.

Part V - Sharing of Intuitive Insights and Messages

-Sharing of messages of love, hope and intuitive insights felt during meditation and group energy dynamics.

Part VI - The Healing Circle

-The healing of mind and body experienced through the power of thought projection, love and light energy.

An invocation and affirmation of the Human Spirit:

Dear is the spirit in me
Dear is the spirit in you
Dear is the spirit in us
The spirit in us is here

Part VII - Closing Messages and All-Round Hugs

-Presentation of next meetings' theme
-Closing messages and all-round hugs

The following is an example of a list of personal development, spiritual and metaphysical related themes that are discusses, studied and explored in our meetings:
-Parental, societal and personal Belief systems
-Redefining personal identity and belief systems
--Spiritual, mental and physical freedom
-Choices, past, present and future
-Spiritual awakening and identifying your missions in life
-Different philosophies and their belief systems
-Early civilizations and their belief systems
-Creating mental and physical realities
-Unconditional Happiness
-Dying to live in 21-days (A life changing event)
-Metaphysical and extra-terrestrial existence
-The concept of multiple dimensional existence
The metaphysics of time and space
-The conception and misconception of reality and illusion
Understanding the metaphysics of love and forgiveness
-Learning to let go
-learning to give and receive

-Coping with stress, depression and self esteem
-People and relationships
-Dealing with fear and anger
-Denials, duality and energy polarity
-Building a stronger connection and becoming one with the universal energy
-Free will and destiny
-Patience, peace and serenity
-Meditation, energy, chakras, sounds and mantras
-Keeping faith in the face of disappointments
-Dreams, prophesies and insights
-Astral projection and out of body experiences
-Life after death and near death experiences
-Reincarnation, past lives and future lives
-Angels, miracles and healing
-Remote Viewing, remote healing and extra sensory perception
-Understanding the various modalities of holistic therapy
Event Calendar
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