< head> Jebediah Buzzard's Fright Time FunHouse - late nite entertainment

Arkansas' First and Only Known Horror Host !

Hey Ghouls 'n Goblins !

jeb & Mongo

Count Greggy

The "World Youngest Horror Host"

Only on
the Bone Jangler's
"DayTime Dungeon"


What time is It ?

This week with --jeb & Mongo

 -[the Back Story]-  

Long , long ago in a circus side show far, far away, a crazed southern carnival barker named Jebediah Buzzard earned a living barking for the likes of Jorge`the Human Pomegranate , Otto the Half Man/Half Sofa, and Eunice the Stupidest Woman in the World. Traveling with the "Creepiest Show on Earth", Le Cirque Noir, Buzzard stumbled upon a mysterious crossroads in the backwoods of Booger County, ARkansas. There he met an infernal being by the name of ArchDemon Larry. Now this "ArchDemon Larry" promised him the power to return from the grave in exchange for his soul. Being a devout SubGenius, Buzzard didn't regard his soul as very important to begin with. It wasn't until long after his untimely demise that the true deal was revealed: He could only return every Halloween night, the night all things dead get to return anyway! Bitter about the raw deal, Buzzard immediately sought the help of his old pal and personal attorney, Mongo the Undead Cajun Rodeo Clown. Mongo re-negotiated the Contract to allow Buzzard to rise on a permanent basis so long as he agreed to host horror films for all eternity. Now ArchDemon Larry sends up movies from the Abyss every other week, along with a cartoon or two, for Jebediah and Mongo to sometimes present in its original form but often "re-mastered or enhanced".

Debut: 2003-Halloween Special:
first run of "Golgotha, AR & Tales from Out Yonder"
check out Dark Pumpkin Pictures website link for more info          
the Series: (2 hours) August 2004

Jebediah Buzzard's Fright Time Funhouse can be seen
Midnight Sundays, Wednesdays & Fridays on

-(Community Access Televisiion)-
Cox cable channel 18, Fayetteville AR.

for More Info
about the Show or
about joining the almost secret Fan Club.....


  a proud Member of the

Host Affiliate Sponsors:

links to
Horror Hosts from around the country that "air" our little show -
as Members of the HHu Network . . .
We are Affiliate Sponsors that "air play" other Hosts' shows here
locally on our Community Access Station at
10am Horror-ible Sat. mornings and 10 pm Horror Hosts Presents

Hey Boils and Ghouls !
2007 Promo...

Hey Barbara !
Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid ! ! ! !

the Dungeon of Dr. Dreck
No Cobwebs on this one.
A True Movie Classic in the making,
Of Horror Host History !
our very own Dr. Dreck & Moan-er in their full length movie picture.
Available NOW on their website.

other Promos
on our �bersite
in the near future.



� 2004-2007 Fright Time FunHouse
All Rights Reserved


This is just our "cheap-ass attempt" of setting up a website and BIO-page.

Here's a "sneak peek" preview of what we hope to develope once we have a "For Real" Full website online in the "near" future.

Powered by WebRing.

Fright Time FunHouse - bLOG another extra web page to the ever growing web thingies of FtFH site



[apologia: please accept our regret for being an old & slow web newbie and not yet having everyone's link up on this page.]
[But we 'b' "working" on it!]
* *in the works................* *
"Uncle Lar' GeeWiz project"
this "�bersite" will be powered by Joomla, the dynamic cms.
& will act as an auteur auxiliary convergence for the HHu NetWork.* *

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