Erica's page! Want to learn about your webmaster Erica?? Read on...
Facts about Erica:

~Name: Erica B
~Birthday: September 24
~Height: 5'9"
~Siblings: Aaron, Matthew, Elizabeth, Alex
~Best and worst about being a girl: Best-Less responsibility, girls can get away with some "stuff" better     Worst: People pick on you, there's different rules for guys than girls.
~Dream car: Yellow Beetle with license plate that says "Dabsky"
~Pets: Millenium Pearl (Millie) a Miniature Dachshund


~CD: Obvious, The Promise, ZOEgirl (Life and ZOEgirl), Phat Chance, Superchic[k], Toby Mac Momentum
~Plus ONE member: Gabe
~Plus ONE song: I Don't Care, Here In My Heart, My Life, Use Me
~Bible Verse: 1 Timothy 4:12, Philiooians 4:13, John 3:16, John 14:6, Jeremiah 29:11
~Food: Corn Cakes from Chi Chi's
~Restaurant: Chi Chi's or Chili's
~Movie: A Walk To Remember, and Shrek
~TV Show: Monk, Alias, ER, Trading Spaces
~Artist besides Plus ONE: ZOEgirl, Phat Chance, Superchic[k], Toby Mac, True Vibe, Stacie Orrico, Rachael Lampa

Erica with Gabe!!!
Here are some quotes from this creative Plus ONE crazy, slug bug driving (she hopes someday!), animal luvin' kinda girl...(lol)

~"He's a cutiepoo!!"
~*sigh* "Are you ready?"
~"The best thing about being a girl is...Gabe!"
~"If it was a yellow bug I'd be freaking out,
but hey, let's get in the invisible car! You can
be my passenger!"
~"Hear me ROAR!"
~"Yes, I drove here ALL BY MYSELF!!!"
~"Where's my diaper?"
~"It's COMING! PUSH! Look...It's a BOY!!!"

Here are some of my thoughts on my wonderful friend Erica...
Erica is a person with a HUGE heart! She loves animals, and has a really awesome creative style! She's always doing some new project, and her room is SO amazing! She's super smart and can ace her school subjects and still always have time for going online and finding the latest news about Plus ONE! She's always there to talk to and is ready to listen! You couldn't ask for a better friend! :o) Luv ya girl!
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Erica with Jason!
Erica and Jeremy!!
Kinda dark, but Erica and Nate!
Erica and Nathan!!
Fun Facts:
~Erica made Gabe a slug bug pillow, and he told her that it was the coolest thing he'd EVER gotten! (WOW!!! GO ERICA!)

~She decorated EVERY centimeter (literally) of her walls in her room with Plus ONE pictures, even the CEILING!

~She got Gabe's water bottle and their song list sheet after a concert.

~She used to have hampsters that had babies, and is getting a newt!
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