Welcome to Fruitcake! Yup, it's yet another one of those Green Goblin webshrines spawned by the Spider-Man movie. But eventually, there will be lots of stuff on the comic books too (as well as a better layout). Right now, we're still under heavy construction and planning, so only a few sections are open (the # should be purple). So check them out for now. And if you have any ideas for stuff I can have up here, then feel free to contact me (just click on that little Contact Info link)

[#] Updates - check here to see if anything's been updated
[#] Fanstuff - fanart, fanfiction, lists, etc. (not open)
[#] Scans - Goblin-related scans from comics, magazines, etc.
[#] Fun Stuff - Spidey-related quizzes, articles, etc.
[#] Adoptables - adopt a Spidey or other sprite for your website!
[#] Links - links to websites about Gobby, Spidey and other related stuff
[#] Cliques - those odd little listings I've joined so far
[#] Journal - my LiveJournal, if you're interested
[#] Contact Info - need to tell me something? Click here


Disclaimer: Spider-Man, the Green Goblin and all related characters and material are property of Marvel. I am, in no way, trying to infringe on their copyrights and I'm certainly not making any money off of this website. On the other hand, all other material here belongs to me and cannot be used without my permission.

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