
Going so soon? Well then, be sure to check out some of the awesome links below! There are only Green Goblin-themed websites listed for now, but eventually, there will also be some Willem Dafoe and general Spider-Man ones. Just hang in there. And if you think your link should be listed here then contact me (all my contact info's on the home page)

Norman Osborn/Green Goblin Sites

Vital Signs - one of the very first ones! Has a great picture gallery, fanfiction, fanart and a sleek layout. The webmistress also runs the Norman Osborn LJ Community (see next link)

The Norman Osborn LJ Community - it's a little dead right now, but search around in the archives for some, er, interesting discussions. And don't forget to join us ^_^

Reflections in the Dark - amazing fanart, amazing fanfiction and a very stylish layout. Probably one of the best Goblin fansites out there

Like a Moth to the Flame - the Norman Osborn/Green Goblin fanlisting. If you're a fan, you may want to sign up. And there's also fanfiction, pictures and the infamous "Who's Your Spider-Man B*tch?" quiz...

Green Insanity - loads of interesting and in-depth essays about everyone's favourite Goblin (mostly movie-based though, but it's all good ^_^)

I Am a Demented Soul - one of the most comprehensive Goblin fansites on the web: pictures, info, essays, fanart, pretty much has everything you can think of

Mad Laughter and Pumpkin Bombs - one of the few sites where you can find stuff on Norman's animated incarnation. And check out the webmistress' convention picture; she has a great feminized Goblin costume

Madgoblin's Ward - the guy here writes some of the best Spider-Man essays (including why Chapter One sucked), including lots of great Goblin ones. Big emphasis on "lots" and "great"

The Green Goblin Insane Asylum - it's fairly new, but it looks promising


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