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Update: Concussion Jumping in 1.5 and Beyond
No, Conc Jumping is not dead, contrary to popular belief.  However, it has changed drastically.  The 1.5 patch was devestating - it shook up virtually all aspects of the game.  So, conc jumping in the new version takes on a whole new challenge.  Sorry folks, no more holding the grenade and jumping.  That method will only work 50% of the time in 1.5, and with only three concs in your disposal (Valve was that really neccessary?) you have to make each one count.  Conc jumping is hurting, but it still can be a great tactic. 
Are you up for the challenge? 

Before you dive in, I highly suggest you pick up a grenade timer. If you like challenges, ignore that last suggestion and read ahead.


Note: To use the demos on this site, simply download the zip files and unzip them into your
C:/sierra/halflife/tfc folder.  Then, start up a TFC lan game and pull down the console.  Type:  playdemo "filename".

Bridge 2 Sniper Nest

Water Jumping

Ok, believe me, this one is still possible.  Try this in 2FORT.  Grab the grenade bag and run off your battelments into the water.  Once you are in the water, sink to the bottom and look around.  Do you see those 3 white lights that are in a line under the bridge?  When you drop your conc grenade, the grenade should not land past this middle light.  Now that you are ready and behind the middle light, prime and drop your conc.  Swim forward a little bit so that you are on the conc itself.  Now, Using your mouse, point so that you are looking at a 45 degree angle upwards (as if you are trying to look at the sniper deck from underwater).  After you are looking at the correct angle, hold your "forward" key so that you emerge from the water.  Your head should be above the water before the conc goes off; this is crucial.  If you did it right, you should be vaulted to the enemy sniper deck,  keep in mind:  the steeper the angle you swam up after releasing the grenade, the less distance you will fly (but much more height). If you swam up at a much lesser angle, than you will fly farther but will get less height as well.

Once again, you will have to release the grenade for this jump.  Run off your sniper nest.  Prime your grenade.  Becuase Valve weakened the conc grenade so much, if the grenade lands before the center of the bridge, the chances of making it to the opposite deck are slim.  Try to throw the conc so it lands about three-quarters up the bridge, closer to the enemy side.  After you have released it, run up to the conc.  Right before the conc goes off, you should be about one game step ahead of the conc grenade.  now jump.  You should be vaulted to the enemy sniper nest.  Keep in mind that timing is everyting:  If you run first and then jump your chances of makin it are increased (the momentum will help you).  You will have to practice this one to be consistent.  Remeber, you must adjust to where the conc lands after you release it.  If you throw the conc and it lands very close to the enemy wall, then you might have to jump right over the conc itself to get enough height.  On the other hand, if you release the conc and it reaches about center bridge, you will have to take maybe one more game step before you jump.      

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