Here you can get a SNES emulator. Emulators are basciclly a super nintendo on your computer, can you can play games on them, these games are called need to download both the emulator (SNES) and the rom (game) to be able to play the games.
This Emulator below is the best that i have seen, and is really easy to use.It is called ZSNES. To play the game, first you have to unzip the file (ROM) and put it somewhere with your Emulator. Keep all your emulator stuff together in one folder so it will be easier. When you click on the link below click on the ZSNES v1.31.Have fun.
Right below are 2 Dragonball Z ROMS, the Dragonball Z Hypermension is a fight game, like mortalcombat, it is 2 player and is very fun, and it is translated in English. The other Dragonball Z game is Legend of the Super Saiyan, and this game is a RPG, this RPG is very fun and is translated into English. I hope you enjoy playing these Games
!!NEW!! ZSNES 1.31b Emulator- 412 KB
Dragonball Z Hypermension- 2,500 KB

Dragonball Z Legend of the Super Saiyan- 700 KB

Dragonball Z Super Budoken 1 (French)- 1,000 KB

Dragonball Z Super Budoken 2 (Jap)- 1,300 KB

Dragonball Z Super Budoken 3 (Jap)- 1,100 KB
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