    09/11/2002- Yes, we all know I had to make a journal entry on this date. A date that affects many people. I know that you are thinking the same thing as I... "what should I get Julie for her birthday?" Yes,she has now turned 21, and is of the legal age to get as smashed as she wants... meaning it won't be fun anymore. I wish her all the happiness on her big day, and a big birthday "HUZZAH" from the E-Bomb. ^_^

     Oh, yea. It's just come to my attention that a year ago, some guy in a turban flew planes into some towers in New York. Well, to hell with him, that's not very nice. E-Bomb Inc. would like to award him with the "Not A Nice Person" of the Year Award. It was between him and Martha Stewart... but I like her towels. (So does he, if you read the label on his Turban)

     But in all seriousness, I'm sure we all remember what we were doing that morning. I was sleeping... until that bastard woke me up with his Jihad shit. Brian woke me up and yelled "Someone just flew a plane into the twin towers!!!" I thought "He's crazy, he must've misheard the news or something" But sure enough, I went downstairs to join him and Jen and the millions of people across the nation in the biggest Marathon TV watching event in the last few years, short of the time UPN aired all the episodes of "Brothers in Space" Back to back. As for this 9/11, I'm not gonna worry at all, and I'm not going to watch any TV. I'll just try and catch up on that sleep that was deprived of me a year ago tonight.

     And finally, after so many months of losing, ERIK HAS ONCE AGAIN BEATEN STEVE AT TRIVIAL PURSUIT!!! HE IS TEH WINNAR!!111 Yes, I now have possession of the Trivial Pursuit Genus 5 belt of the South Eastern Division. OK, that's not real, but we have a REALLY neat belt buckle made of tin-foil. I look forward to my short, short reign as champion, autographs available for $5. Thank you.

09/10/2002- Okaaaaay. I rarely update at all, don�t be surprised, after all, those who know me KNOW nothing happens in my life. In case you haven�t seen, I put up some new Top Ten things, as well as pretty animated gifs, as to amuse myself, and others� but mainly myself.

     Since I have spoken to you last, my spring quarter ended, and the summer came and went. I�ll try and start from the beginning. Spring quarter was the worst quarter of my life� everything that could go wrong� DID go wrong ;_;. ALL of my films got messed up, due to either problems with the camera, or the development place screwed it up. I WISH it HAD been my fault, I would feel better, but alas, justice has once again escaped me. The film I was working on when we last spoke� the quirky romantic comedy went all to hell. People cancelled, fireworks stands RANDOMLY went the way of the buffalo, and� for once� NO PLANES FLEW OVER MY APARTMENT!!! Why couldn�t that happen when I DIDN�T need them for a shot, every OTHER waking moment of my life they flew so low over the apartment that car alarms went off, but NOO!!! Stupid military. My final for that class was also ruined, in more ways than I care to remember, luckily our wonderful teacher took all this stuff that we couldn�t control into consideration, and we were allowed to write an essay instead. So, I passed that class. Photo, same things kept happening to me� the cave gave me bad timers, bad thermometers, until finally I said to hell with them and let Wolf Camera develop my film. Final went ok, I don�t have it scanned or anything right now, but it�s not that great, so I passed�

     Now, I know what you are waiting for� the results of that DAMNED BORING ASS ROMAN ART CLASS� dear God, it�s amazing I didn�t snap that woman�s neck in a fit of insanity. I passed the class� I did well on the assignments� she LOVED my presentation, even told me it was one of the best. The tests? Well� the tests� I would have passed them with flying colors if she DIDN�T BLATANTLY LIE ABOUT THEM!!! Ok, now I know I sound like an immature student blaming the teacher for my problems, but hear me out� She told us that the test was going to comprise of multiple-choice SLIDE IDENTIFICATION questions. Now, if you don�t know, slide identification, according to myself, all the students, and EVERY OTHER TEACHER AT SCAD is when you see a slide� and identify what the slide is of� hence the name SLIDE IDENTIFICATION!!! According to her, that�s what most of the questions were, so I took all 573 of our required texts, studied the shit out of them, by the end of it, I knew things names, who built them, where they were, what year they were made� EVERYTHING THAT YOU WOULD USE TO IDENTIFY THE SLIDE� however, on the test, she wanted to know every little trivial thing about the object� she didn�t even ask us WHAT IT WAS!!! I swear to God, the next class she handed the tests back, telling us that since we all did so poorly, she had to give us all 5 extra points� and was disappointed that we assumed slide identification meant identifying slides� At this point 12 students had to hold me back from jamming my pencil through her eye. But like I said, I passed the class, yippee and hurray.

     Then came the end of the year, I packed up and moved out of my home of two years, the apartment I shared with Brian. After congratulating him and Jen on their engagement (wedding, I believe is 12/17) and then attending Brian�s graduation commencement (of which was almost as boring as listening to the Roman teacher drone on about how sexy Caesar�s butt was� and it was) I left home for Florida, not wanting to look back. To start off, I would look everywhere I could for jobs� again�and again� and again. Suffice to say that there were NO jobs ALL summer; you might think I could have relaxed and kicked back a bit, no? NO!!! THIS STUPID F�N LOAN IS NOT GOING THROUGH FOR NEXT YEAR!!! MY NEW ROOMATE HAS STILL NOT CALLED ME BACK ABOUT OUR APARTMENT!!! AND EVERY BILL COLLECTOR IN THE WORLD IS STICKING THEIR TONGUE UP MY ASS TRYING TO GET EVERY LAST CHEWEY MORSEL OF GOODNESS AWAY FROM ME!!! � but I�m not bitter.

     If I learned any lesson from all of this, and I haven�t, it�s to never say, �What else could go wrong?� because God and fate showed me, time and time again. I�ll try and maintain a positive attitude, but I HOPE AND PRAY some good luck is going to befall me� soon. Sigh � later.

05/03/2002- Ummm, heh heh heh. What can I say, I don't get on-line much anymore... Sorry to the ... wait... no one comes here anyway, who the hell am I apologizing to? Ah well, let's see what has happened in the centuries since I last updated. Hmmm... Not much, oh well, good night. Oh, I don't get off that easy? Damn. OK, here goes...

     Well, since my last shitty semester, things have gotten a lot better. In fact, I finished that semester by getting on the Dean's List, go fig. My final for Video was a short spoof on COPS called "RA's" (Resident Advisors to the Dorms), starring the then RA, Alexis Kaloyanides. It kicked ass, and I got a lot of laughs, boo yah. I also got an A in my Life Drawing II class, an accomplishment that makes me extremely proud considering the teacher was an insane coke-fiend... uhhh, I mean Coca-Cola (just in case he stumbles along) And let's see... Math... in an Art College... do you HAVE to ask what I got? Please. Other than that, Service Merchandise closed down, and I got the fuck out of Dodge.

     By the time Spring Break came around, I had beaten Metal Gear Solid 2, and Oh my God, if you like video games, you must play that. I also got addicted to a little game I like to call Smack Down, and My character, Jet Black (The Blackest Mo-Fo this side of Compton) dominated the ranks off the WWF, only to be defeated by Son Goku. Can't blame him tho, he IS a Super Saiyan (But watch out Goku, Mr T has his eyes on that gold, and I pity any fool who gets in the way off The T and his bling-bling) Besides that, the rest off my time in Florida was spent hanging out with the buds and taking in a breather.

     For this semester, I am taking Intro to Film, Intro to Photography for the Non-Major, and Roman Art and Archaeology. The first two are going ok, and I'll be sure to talk about them in more detail later, but let me tell you about my Roman class... I was excited... I like Rome... I like their Art... BUT I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING DEGREE IN IT AND I DON'T PLAN ON GETTING ONE!!! Jeebus H. Cripes, This Professor is THE most boring thing on the planet. My time could be better spent counting the beads of sweat that drip down my testicles than being put to sleep by her... I'll prolly have more fun, too. Now, she knows her stuff, and I'm happy for her. I would like to learn more, as well, however, I don't have time to research all 573 of the required texts, along with aditional articles. I actually wake up early now, 9 am, I'm pretty durn proud. I'm refreshed, making the most out of my day, and prepared to take on the world.... until those lights go out and she DRONES ON FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF STRAIGHT! I swear to God, I can not stay awake when she talks, I don't even hear a word she is saying. I thought that the adult voices in Peanuts were a musical instrument, but no, apparently she is the uncredited voice actress that supplied that distinct sound. OK, I must stop talking about her... just thinking about it is putting me to sleep.

     Film class is great. The teacher is hip and cool, but also teaches. We have philosophical discussions, and she is open and honest. Hard to find teachers like that any more. I've done one film, entitled "The Creation" based on the concept of Simulacra (go look it up yourselves) And now I am working on one that is Silent, but tries to represent sounds. No title yet, but it is going to be a feel good quirky romantic comedy of sorts. Trust me. Or don't, I don't care. As for photo class, it would be going better if the Cave would stop giving me shoddy equipment that RUINED TWO OF MY 36 EXP ROLLS FOR AN ASSIGNMENT!!!! YOU FUCKERS!!! DIE!!!!!! Adding to my photo shooting fun, I was attacked by a bird and I lost my ATM card, which STILL hasn't been replaced. Shitty Shitty Times.

     After such bad luck, what could have raised my spirits so, you ask? MOVIES!!! GLORIOUS WONDERFUL MOVIES!!! Well, movies anyway. First up, my Crappy movie double feature night. I saw the Scorpion King and Jason X in one night... and yes, I paid for both of them. The Scorpion King is just a horrible horrible action movie. But it sucks in SOOOOOO many good ways. THE ROCK IS IN IT. THE ROCK CAN'T DELIVER A SERIOUS LINE WORTH A DAMN. THE ROCK HAS A CHEEZY GRIN... and THE ROCK BLOWS TWO PEOPLE THRU A WALL
AT ONCE WITH A BOW AND ARROW!!! Let the good times roll. Jason X is THE FUNNIEST MOVIE EVAR!!! Oh man, if you see this alone, I'm sorry. Go with a ton of friends and just make fun of it all the way thru, but watch out for the AMAZING SCENES!!! i.e.- The opening, Jason awakes, The Pass, The sleeping bags, and the ending. If you do not piss your pants and the next three rows in front of you seeing those scenes, you probably should shoot yourself, because your life is a humorless waste of our air. Another film, Metropolis, an AMAZING japanese animation based on a comic by the creator of Astro Boy. I will write more when I finally do my anime section, so check back later. (P.S.- This seemed to be an anime weekend, as Steve and I also ventured to the Tampa Museum of Art to see "My Reality" an exihibit based on and inspired by Japanese animation. Pieces included GIANT bunnies, a wall full of Lolita art on reciepts and some guy who plays too much video games. More on that later.)

     Something's amiss you say?, I'm talking about movies, and it's May 3rd and I
haven't mentioned the big arachnid? Don't worry, I was JUST getting to that. Yes, Spider-Man, the highly anticipated movie featuring everyone's favorite web-slinging, wall-crawling hero (so many to choose from) Did the movie deliver? HELL YES!!! Sam Raimi (Evil Dead) was the perfect choice to bring the tale of our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to life, and performances by Tobey Maguire as the lead, and Willem Dafoe as the ill-tempered Green Goblin make the movie a smash hit. The writers stay so-true to the story, and the inner relationships of the characters, yet make it it's own unique stand alone piece. Not to mention the amazing stunts and special effects that take you away and make you believe Spider-Man is real. I give Spider-Man an A+, and look forward to seeing it many more times. Also, be sure to watch for cameos by Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead Trilogy, Hercules: The Legend continues), "Macho Man" Randy Savage (Pro-Wrestling), Stan Lee (creator of Spider-Man, Marvel Guru) and Sam Raimi's car (That bastard is in more movies than Bruce Campbell). Great, great movie, now I just wait for Star Wars, Episode II. Pray.

     OK, I think I've said enough for one night, I hope you like the revamps, I'll try to keep them coming... until I get distracted by ... ooooh... pretty lights...errr...uhhh, I'll try and be back real soon. Later.


03/07/2002- Not only have I finally gotten my cell phone turned back on, but I now have a NEW CELL PHONE!!! ::triumphant music plays in the background:: I could have gotten a Nokia for real cheap, but that�s what they are. Instead I opted for the Motorolla StarTAC. Why? Because like my old cell, it is a flip phone. Why does that matter? Well, #1-it protects the screen so it doesn�t get cracked (like my old phone... ?) and #2- It�s called a StarTAC, which sounds like STAR TREK, and add in a feature that it opens like an original series communicator and the fact that I am a nerd, and voila! Instant cellular satisfaction. By the way, if you are interested in calling my cell phone, the number is an area code followed by seven digits. I look forward to hearing from you!

     As for school, well, this semester is almost over. I�m so glad, I can�t take it anymore. I don�t know why, It�s not that the classes are hard, I guess it�s just not a good year for the E-Bomb. I�m more depressed than a person who can�t think of a funny analogy to insert in their journal. I�m glad I get to relax a few days before getting to go back in to work.

     Speaking of work, Service Merchandise will be out of business soon, meaning I will once again be unemployed. Not that I�m surprised, the �Now Hiring� sign was deftly placed above the �TOTAL LIQUIDATION!- CLOSING FOREVER!� sign. I could just use the extra money, and considering my success finding a job in Savannah� screw it, I�m not even going to bother thinking up an analogy for this. I�m going to bed. Good night.
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