5/06/2003- Well, well, well... look at that... I'm updating again. What's new you ask? You didn't? Well, you should. As stated, I am back at SCAD, living it up as a mad drawer of drawings. Maybe if you are lucky, I'll even let you see them sometime, but don't hold your breath. I also forgot to mention that I now have a job doing a comic book for an upstart clothing company called "Unitedside" Who said doodling when you are supposed to be working isn't profitable? As for everything else, I am taking Intro to Sequential Art and Survey of Computer Art Applications (which will also be showing me how to design web-pages... so if I do good, maybe I'll actually get a better site!!! .... again... don't hold your breath. As for the site, well, I have a new spam thingy up... not sure how long it will last, but I found it humorous, so you should too. There will also be a new review up... this time for a web-site... but I'll wait till I'm done, because you have to see to believe. OK, I'll give you a hint.... Legos and GOD. I'll catch you all later.

OK, Journal, I don�t like you and you don�t like me, but the entertainment of countless (read three) people rest on our updates! So WHAT THE HELL HAVE I BEEN UP TO SINCE OCTOBER??? Not much.

     Let�s see, I got that job at Waldenbooks, which was enjoyable, despite it�s massive boredomness. I worked a Lego stand that sold nothing all day. We�d be lucky to have $50 at the end of the day. The stand looked cool, had plenty of stuffs to play with, Enjoyed prime location in bootie central, and to top it all off, we got to wear nifty shirts that said �Lego� on them. There was also the Calendar stand, which at least had business and customers to mess stuff up so you could do something all day. Other than what I described, there�s nothing to it. WHY SOME PEOPLE HAD PROBLEMS UNDERSTANDING THIS MINIMUM AMOUNT OF WORK, I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. *ahem* But I will discuss (verbally abuse) them later.

     Best part of workin� there was the fun people I met. Mo-Mo (or Monique, if you are normal) is a fun, talented anime-loving cat princess with anti-social tendencies that would make most clique members jealous. (Not you, Tony. You�re masochistic, which beats a Royal Flush any day) Mo just likes to avoid most people, because, well, they are people. Now, before you judge, can you really blame her? Mike, the Third-Key without a cause, helped made closing extra fun. The best trio was Mo, myself, and him. There were bear-fights (with our BEAR arms!!! HAHAHAH!!!111)  Box smashing contests, box soccer and box diving. Most of these activities were done in the mall corridor on the way out and, just to explain their complex nature, usually involved the destruction of boxes. Mel, Pat, and Cari were our more mature higher ups, but weren�t too bad in their own right. Some were a little fake and pretentious at times, but we�ll leave it up to you and your imagination to figure out which General Manager with long hair whose name rhymes with �berry� that I am talking about. (Ooh, gloves come off... don�t worry, I still liked her, I just didn�t buy the act)

     Now, on to the morons. Beth and Tom, who shall remain nameless, were the biggest cry-babies/morons/just-plain-dumb-asses I have ever had the non-pleasure to work with. The Princess was just sooooo self-centered and pompous on top of her incompetence and air-headedness, that there wasn�t much you could do but laugh at her, and then feel sorry for her because it was real. The Troll, on the other hand� wow. Just� wow. If lack of intelligence is the measure for success (as seems to be the recent trend) then say hello to our first leader of the new world order. OK, too much negative thinking is bringing me down, they are gone, and I am happy again.

     Most of my time there was spent doodling, making Galidor figures, and sword fighting with Mo (Beware- The fatal head-wound technique!) Don�t worry, I was productive too, but that stuff is boring to talk about. The afore-mentioned sword fights were with foam Lego swords, and took place in the middle of the mall. What purpose did this serve? It attracted attention, of course! And any publicity is good publicity. Most of the fighting ended up in long stand-offs, since neither of us really know how to sword fight, but want to make it look good. Eventually, I would give up, or make a wrong move, and then BLAM! My head was taken with Mo�s finisher of doom, the Fatal Head Wound Technique. After surgery to undo the damage that can only be caused by a foam Lego sword, we would usually make a chorus line of Galidor figures, in which the villain would usually be dancing with the good-guy�s appendages, while said good-guy was on the ground crying. Yes, we�re twisted. Don�t believe us? Look at the pics.

     Christmas-time rolled around, busy-ness (busy= busi = business!! HAHA! PUNNY!) picked up and funny-ness (see above) declined. Lego still did shit, but calendars were keeping our Pimp lifestyle in check, just like Walden�s author would have wanted it. Soon, none of the stands were profitable any more, and they were dismissed along with the employees, to be packed away in a warehouse till next year. Yes. The employees, too.

     That being said, it is now 2003, and my first thoughts on the New Year? HOLY SHIT!!! I�M GOING TO BE 23!!! Why is this a big deal to me? You see, turning 20, you�re still not old enough to drink, and you�re called �under-age�. 21, you are a wild, drinking college boy, still irresponsible, and 22�s not that far away from that image, just a wiser version� but 23? NO MORE EXCUSES!!! EVERYONE WILL REFER TO ME AS AN ADULT!!!! WAH!!! Oh well, I�ll just have to be extra immature and hope to be declared not mentally competent to take care of myself. It�s my only hope.

     What else? I�ve seen the new Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings movies a total of 12 times combined, thanks to the help of Mo-Mo. Both were excellent. HP was a great translation of the book, keeping all of the important aspects and integrity in place, only making changes to benefit the medium in which it is being presented. Two Towers was awesome, tho I haven�t read the books yet, so I don�t care. Any movie that shows an old man (Gandalf) falling down a large pit, only to grab a sword in mid-air and begin hacking away at the large fire-demon that dragged him there in the first place deserves an Oscar in my book. Hooray for movies.

     Last bit o� news? I�M GOING BACK TO SCAD!!! WOO-HOO!!! Thanks to a generous loan from an anonymous donor, I will be able to complete my education, get my degree, and not be able to find work in my field! YAY FOR THE ECONOMY!!!

     Oh, and just to comment on the state of affairs that�s going on as I write this� Iraq is still being an ass, hippies are protesting, and more and more firepower is falling into the hands of a megalomaniacal mad-man because the UN can�t do their job the above mentioned hippies are using themselves as human-shields (hope they get shot in the back by the people they are helping, and they will.) and movie-stars that I once respected are using their celebrity, while safely away in other countries, to encourage us to tuck our tails and run. Granted, I�m not excited about war, even less excited about WAR, I don�t want our soldiers to die, or all the innocent lives that will be taken in the process. But I also understand that even if we play nice, this isn�t going to be settled. Saddam Hussein IS a mad-man, and inviting him over for tea isn�t going to settle a damn thing. Shit. He was SOOO funny in Hot Shots: Part Duex, too.

     Oh well, sorry for the random politics, I�ll try to keep it to a minimum. Till then, take care! Unless you are one of those damned dirty hippies, keep your stinkin� paws off me! That was from Planet of the Apes� snoogins.       

10/01/2002- MUAAAH HAAAA HAAA HAAAA! 'TIS THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER!!! Only 30 more days 'til HALLOWEEN!!! OK, so many of you are not excited, but I know I am. I've always loved Halloween. In fact, the first Journal entry for this site was made round Halloween time a year ago. Well, in honor of this great month, I've done a review on a cartoon that inspired my halloween costume decisions oh so many years ago. HE-MAN! It speaks of the classic cartoon, as well as the new one that premiered recently on cartoon network! And as an ADDED bonus, I've posted MUCHO pics of our favorite homo-erotic action figures! Be sure to check it out. A new review will be up soon for He-Man's biggest rival for my affection, and one of my favorite movies of all time. Plus, It's Halloween appropriate. (hell, I dressed up as them for WAY more years than He-Man... and no, lack of muscle had nothing to do with it... jerks) If you haven't figured out what I speak of, you must not know me at all, but be sure to come back towards Halloween time and enjoy!!!

09/30/2002- I started my first day of work for Waldenbooks today. Don't know all the details, but I'll be selling.... Legos O_o. It's new for the company, but selling Legos in a kiosk in the mall seems a little less boring than selling calendars. I got a taste of that, as I recieved training while working at the "Day by Day" calendar stand. Evidently there will be a dvd player, tons of Legos and other crazy things at the Lego stand. Best part? 33% DISCOUNT ON MEESA BOOKS!!! And if I don't WANNA buy them? I CAN BORROW THE F'N BOOKS FOR TWO WEEKS!!! Boo yah. Ok, that's all the news for now.... don't try and hit me up for favors, that would be abusing my priveleges, and those who know me, KNOW that I don't like to abuse myself...

09/20/2002- Well, It was bound to happen. I lost my coveted "Balderdash" Championship today. If it was aclean win, I would have been happy, unfortunately it was a conspiracy between Steve and "Big Red" to make me lose for withholding priveleged information. Get more details on the "Official" FNL page.

    As for everything else, my mom just left on her trip to England, thanks to my cousin Michelle, to be God-Mother at Michelle's baby's baptism. She will hopefully be bringing me back a shot glass, J�germeister, and a Pork-Pie hat. For now, it's just me and Dad alone, to mess up the house and not pay bills.

     As for the site, Steve brought his digital camera the other day, so I will finally be able to post more of my art soon. It's not up yet, so don't bother looking. (Not that you would anyway.) Well, I am tired, and this is a very unspirited journal (prolly cos I'm still pissed about not being at SCAD) So, I am out of here. G'night.

09/17/2002- Well, I finished reading the second novel in the "Stephanie Plum: Bounty Hunter" series, by Janet Evanovich. This one was called "Two for the Dough", and just like it's predecessor, was quite funny. If you enjoy fast paced story-telling and action, mixed in with loads of laughs, I highly reccomend this series. Next book in line is "Sick Puppy" by Carl Hiaasen. Yup, I love crime comedies.

     As for the site, I have a new feature up. I was surfing
Julie's page, when I noticed all of these anime personality quiz-things. Unable to resist, I opened up my deepest darkest secrets to my computer once again, and now I know that my Dragonball Z boyfriend is Gohan. For more quiz results, click here. If you would like to take the quiz yourself, there are links right under the results. The page isn't for much more than fun, so get ready to laugh at me. But, hey, the quizzes proves that I AM NOT GAY... my DBZ boyfriend is.

     I'm still on the hunt for some jobs. nothing solid yet. Only finding part time positions, which I will take if nothing else comes up by Friday. My sister said there was a part-time job open at her salon... that's just great. Both my mother and sister are hairdressers. My dad used to be a dance instructer. Gohan from DBZ has a crush on me, and now I might work at a salon so that I can go back to art school. Today's journal entry is controversial to say the least. I guess I'll quit while I'm a top... ON TOP! AHEAD!!! QUIT WHILE I"M AHEAD!!!... there goes my last semblance of masculinity. Later

09/15/2002- Well, it is official. I will not be returning to SCAD this fall. I've tried to get this loan thing to work, but to no avail. Instead, the plan has now shifted to finding work for the fall and paying off overdue debts. This past two years in Savannah killed me financially, and this is for the best. Hopefully by winter quarter, my debt will be cleared up, and I can return. I can't believe all that time that I've been looking forward to getting out of school, now I am so upset I can't go back. Ah well. Cheer me up by reading my brand new REVIEWS section. G'night for now.

09/14/2002- .....
                          ...... Ladies and Gentelmen... lock your doors... forgive past grievances... and make your peace with God.... The Apocolypse is coming.

     As I sit and write this, I hear the sound of hooves clattering down my street. Tonight was the "Intercontinental Title" of Trivial Pursuit, Genus 5, seeing as the current Champion, Steve, is away on buisness (read: BIZNESS) Charles opened up the match, gaining an impressive lead of four pie pieces to zero. Later in the game, I surpassed the red-boy of brainy-ness, with five pies, to an eventual six pies and a charge for the win, whilst Josh held fast to his typical one piece for the game. As the game drudged on for hours, no one would relent... especially after Josh's OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE COMEBACK, TO GAIN SIX PIES, AND BE TIED WITH ME, LOOKING FOR THE WIN,
WHILE CHARLES STILL ONLY HAD FOUR PIES!!!. Then at approximately 5:02am Atlantic Time, September 14, in the two-thousand and second year of our Lord, Josh fired the "Guess Heard 'Round The World". The Category? Science and Nature (The Brown One for all you "Hungry Hippos" fans) The Question? "What did Theobald Smith prove diseases could be transmitted by, while studying Texas cattle fever in 1892?" The AMAZING Guess? (In case you would like to form your own answers or guesses, I left the answer darkened. Highlight following space to read->) Insects. ... OK, I meant an amazing guess for Josh... but still... Jeebus Fricking Cripes on a fishstick.

     I would just like to say, that I have enjoyed the many friendships I formed, and my short-lived existance on this plane. I love you all, and hope to see you on the other side. God Bless... Now, you must excuse me... Four guys carrying trumpets on horseback would like to speak with me, and they seem kind of in a rush.


09/12/2002- Well, as predicted, I lost the coveted Trivial Pursuit Genus 5 Championship Belt. But this story doesn't end on an Empire-esque downer, no no no. I won the more obscure, but equally nerdy "Balderdash- The Hilarious Bluffing Game" Championship Title... put to Wrestling Terms, it's almost as impressive as having the Light Heavyweight Championship in the IPW. For those of you who don't remember Balderdash, it is a game that gives you random words, to which you supply your own definitions, then read all the players definitions, and guess which is the right one... or something to that effect. All I know is I one, and I now sport a SASSY new tin-foil belt, that isn't as pretty as the "Trivial Pursuit" Titles, but is a lot more impressive than the "Obscure 70's Baseball Trivia" Tiara of Power.
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