
My Other Sites

  • Yourouzoku Inc. - My InuYasha fandom site.
  • The Adventures of InuYasha and Buyo - An archive of fan fics featuring the dynamic duo of InuYasha and Buyo!
  • Falling Forever (Coming Soon) - A shrine to Kikyou, the tragic miko from the anime series InuYasha. Co-maintained by TailfluffGirl.


  • Netherfiend's Domain - Me Eric's web site, with lots of video game stuff and the story of Vivigaia!
  • Springer's Homepage - Silas' web site, filled with his awesome art and pics of his toy collection.
  • The Waters of Lethe - Hannah's site. Check out her Livejournal icons as well as her Ren Faire diaries. She's so talented.
  • Goshinboku Network - Kellychan85's web site collective. Links to her wonderful fanfiction and character shrines.
  • Ushitora Network - TailfluffGirl's collective. Links to her lovely icon site, shrines, and fan work.

Funny Stuff

  • Denny's Menu - Listen to Strong Bad answer his e-mail in interesting ways.
  • Penny Arcade - Has one of the best gaming web comics out there period.
  • Albino Blacksheep - Collects most of the funniest stuff on the web, including flash videos and movie clips.

All content (with the exception of original images used in some of my graphics) is the property of Vanessa A. Cox, 2004.

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