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NEXT SHOW: FFC performs the last show of 2008 this Friday night in the IMU Frangipani room! 9PM - Free!

History | FAQ | Alumni

Frequently Asked Questions

We here at the Original Full Frontal Comedy don't want to keep you in the dark, so here's a FAQ sheet to educate you all.

Q. How can I hire Full Frontal Comedy to perform for my organization or event?

A. Simply put, ask us. FFC is ready, willing and able to perform for any group in Indiana. Even if our show schedule indicates an interfering event on the date you may need us for, feel free to e-mail Kevin and we may still be able to work something out. Not only is improvisation our method of comedy, it's how we do business.

Q. When/Where are auditions? Should I have improv experience to audition?

A. Info on auditions may be found at our Auditions page. For auditions, previous experience is helpful but not required. Few members of Full Frontal Comedy had ever experienced comedy improv until after making the audition. Give it a try. It's free and fun!

Q. When/Where is your next show?

A. Look underneath the logo above or check the Showtime Information page.
Q. How much do you get paid for this?

A. The Original Full Frontal Comedy is a non-profit, student run theatre group. Any "profits" made go into equipment repairs and replacements, improv training in Chicago, room rentals, and etc. No one receives payment for their talents.

Q. "Talents" huh? You really think you're funny? Tell me a joke, comedy man.

A. We work hard to be funny, but we don't tell jokes. Another outburst like that and no more questions.

Q. Does everyone in FFC know how to drive a car?

A. Embarrassingly enough, no.

Q. What is improv?

A. You're likely to get a million different answers on this one, but as FFC alum Jeremy Kryt once said "It's about taking what's in his mind, and her mind, and your mind, and making it into something wonderful." He said that, or something like it. I don't remember. He's weird.

Q. Where do you study improv?

A. Well, being that Chicago is the birthplace of long form improvisation, and the former stomping ground of some of the biggest names in comedy, we study there periodically throughout the semester. We have worked with Improv Olympic, Players Workshop, The Second City and The Annoyance Theatre. Other than that, we do our best learning in our bi-weekly practices and during our performances around Indiana.

Q. Is everything you do improvised?

A. With the exception of our opening sketches, our shows are 100% improvised, made while you watch.
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