Name: Belial
Nicknames: Kirada, Ginger, Phoebe
Age: 19
Birthday: November 25
Location: Seville, Spain
Current Occupation: Student (university) and soccer referee
Status: Single, sexy, and sweet

Favorite Music: Destiny's Child, NSync, Xtina, Eminem, Ashanti
Favorite Movies: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dragonfly, Enough, Catch me if you can
Favorite TV: Charmed, CSI
Favorite Sport: Soccer! Volley
Favorite Actors: Rupert Grint, Orlando Bloom
Favorite Actresses: Alyssa Milano, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston
Favorite Books: Lord of the Rings & Harry Potter series
Favorite Food: Junk food
Favorite Candy: Wherthers!!
Favorite Drink: Pepsi and BioFruta
Favorite Place: My room
Favorite Weather: Sunny
Favorite Clothes: My dirty demin jeans!
Favorite Animal: Cats (and well, can I add Moony and Padfoot?)
Favorite School Subject: English
Loves: Anime! Yami no Matsuei, Angel Sanctuary!!! Chobits

Why Belial?: Have a look at this: "An Angel gone Evil. She represents Pride of the Seven Satans. When she was in heaven, she pumped herself full of drugs so that her body wouldn't fully develop into a female body. She was given the name Belial, which means Worthless and she does her best to be the most useful worthless being she can. But now the only who is allowed to call her that is Lucifer. Mad Hatter disillusions Raphael about the “purity” of angels and that's why Raphael now treats women like dirt. She is totally in love with Lucifer, because he is the only man who doesn't want her, calling her the "rotten and poisonous butterfly". " Cool, isn't she?
Best friend: what's that?
Boyfriend: again, what's that? They all suck *lol*

Need: a comp up in my room... ¬¬

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