Robot Jox

Two Men!  Two Machines!  Too Wild!

Robot Jox.  The massive killing machines of the future.  Driven from inside by the world's greatest warriors, these incredible robot gladiators use their awesome size and computer weapons to fight each other... to the death.

Achilles is our country's mightiest fighter.  Now he faces the three most dangerous challenges of his life.  He must attempt to crush his undefeated rival, the powerful Alexander, and try to uncover a traitor who is leaking top secret information to the enemy.  But his greatest battle will be against his teammate Athena, a woman warrior bred to fight, who will stop at nothing to take his place.

Climb in the cockpit of a giant killer robot and take on the enemy in the war of the future.  It's a clash of metal and minds for guts and glory... and the winner takes all.

Total Running Time Approx. 84 Minutes
Rated: PG

RobotJox Soundtrack Liner Notes

Since the early 1960's, the giant robot has been a fixture in science fiction film and television from GIGANTOR to ROBOTECH.  These were animated adventures, however, and it wasn't until Albert Band and Empire Pictures made ROBOTJOX that these massive machines made their live action big screen debut.  Famous for his popular  horror films like THE RE-ANIMATOR, Band and director Stuart Gordon carefully crafted a futuristic world where the two remaining superpowers battle for valuable territory using two piloted robots.

Special effects wizard David Allen and composer Frederick Talgorn were just as responsible for the films lavish look and feel.    Careful planning allowed Allen to create two smaller robot battles for the film's opening moments and save the bulk of his flash and pow for the spectacular climax.  While most films in the genre would rely on a synthesizer score, Band and Gordon wisely chose to back up their visuals with an exciting score performed by the
Paris Philharmonic Orchestra.

Born in Toulouse, France, Talgorn may not be as well-known as many of his contemporaries but his talent has put him at the forefront.  Amouong his other credits are EDGE OF SANITY, BURIED ALIVE, and the Chuck Norris box-office blockbuster DELTA FORCE 2: OPERATION STRANGLEHOLD.  Educated at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Paris, Talgorn conducted his first original composition in a performance by a 96-piece orchestra at Switserland Musique Festival at the age of 16!  He has also recorded his jazz compositions for CBS records and written tunes for several commercials.

it was his work with Stuart Gordon on BURIED ALIVE that brought Talgorn back for ROBOTJOX, recording the energetic score with the
Paris Philharmonic Orchestra.  It's the large sound of Talgorn's themes that give it a larger-than-life feel, something mere synthesizers on their own would fail to do.  The main motifs in the score are the brass fanfare for our hero, Achilles and his robot, a softer theme for the more human side of the Jox warriors, and a harder theme for adversary Alexander.

A lonely horn fanfare ("Prologue & The Battlefield") introduces us to the snowy wastes of Siberia, 50 years after the nuclear holocaust.  Here, Confederation Jox Alexander (Paul Koslo) mercilessly kills American Jox Hercules.  The great prize of Alaska, rich with oil and timber, now relies on the skill of veteran pilot Achilles (Gary Graham).

The future of the RobotJox program is represented by the GenJox, test-tube babies designed to be superior fighters.  Among them is Athena (Anne-Marie Johnson) who develops an attraction with Achilles despite an initial distrust of each other.

The match with Alexander takes place in the American southwest desert of Death Valley, with the GenJox watching the proceedings from master control.  A gantry lift delivers Achilles to the robot cockpit ("Crash and Burn").  All systems go, the robot is lifted up its giant silo ("Open Her Up") out onto the playing field.  As the bleacher bums cheer from the sidelines, Achilles moves out ("Achilles vs. Alexander").  A fierce fire fire ensures with cannons and lasers.  Achilles loses his advantage when their secret weapon, a green laser, fails to take down Alexander.  A kick from the Confederation robot sends Achilles smashing to the ground and his adversary moves in for the kill with his rocket fist.  Out of control, the projectile heads for the bleachers.  In a desperate move, Achilles attempts to deflect the weapon with his robot's body.  A direct hit, however, pushes him down into the bleachers, killing hundreds of spectators.

Appalled by the carnage, Achilles resigns and refuses to fight Alexander in a rematch.  Drowning his sorrows at the company bar ("The Jock Strap Bar"), he is taunted by his adversary.  Haunted all night by visions to the tragedy, Achilles awakens to find that Athena has brought him home ("Achilles Bedroom").  A friendly conversation soon escalates into an argument, but as Achilles empties out his locker the next morning, the two lovers depart with sad remorse ("Achilles Leaves").

No longer the national hero, plain old Uncle Jim take refuge with his brother's family.  Meanwhile, back at the training center, Athena surpasses her fellow GenJox to succeed Achilles in the rematch ("Fanfare for Athena").  The annoucment of her selection pressures Achilles into a demand that no spectators be allowed on the field this time.  As a security measure, robot engineer Matsumoto (Danny Kamekona) devises a special plan to keep the robot's new weapons a secret from the Confederation.  As a result, trainer and former Jox hero Tex Conway (Michael Alldredge) suspects Matsumoto is the security leak.  As he dictates a recording to Achilles on his new secret weapon, Matsumoto reveals that he has evidence that Tex is the real Confederate spy.  The former RobotJox hero shoots the engineer in cold blood ("The Traitor").
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