Name: Jill Elizabeth Zabel
Comment: This website is so cool!  It keeps me up to date on all the happenings going on in the life of the church!
Name: Kathy & Curtis Horne
Comment: We miss our friends in Pine Hills.
Name: Brittany Zabel
Comment: Church was really cool on Sunday!
Name: Brenda Hurley
Comment: Great job on the website!  This will really help us all keep in touch better and stay current on all the
                   activities going on.  See you Sunday!
Name: Ashlee Nolin
Comment: I like being able to see what is going on in the life of the church all the way down in Naples.
Name: Leslie Trobaugh
Comment: Congratulations on the 50th Anniversary of the church.
Thanks for visiting our site!  We hope to see you some time!
Name: Carol Burelson
Comment: First time I've clicked into your site from Troops link and it is real nice.
Sign Our Guestbook!
View Our Guestbook!
Name: Gregory Zabel
Comment: I like the website because there are a lot of cool activities that people should know about that are
                   posted on the site.
Name: Lori Nolin
Comment: Kristy how blessed we are to have you so involved with our church.  You are doing a wonderful job
                   with the website.
Name: Laurie True
Comment: Way to go!  I love the website.
Name: Mindy Zabel
Comment: Kristy:  I know how hard you've worked on this website, and it is very impressive!  Thank you for
                   all your dedication and efforts for the church.  Love, Mom
Name: Chris Zoller,  Dunkirk, MD
Comment: Wonderful pictures.  You look great, Kristy Zabel!!!
Name: J.C. Fullerton
Comment: I enjoyed visiting the church today.  I am relieved to see that there is life in the church.  I am excited to
                   see what God can do in our area through your church.  Although I cannot attend on a regular basis, I
                   want to make this my "home" church because I live on Nowell St.  Thank you for your service to the Lord.
Name: Pastor Steve Nolin
Comment: Kristy,   We are truly blessed to have you involved in the life of the church and community.  Your
                   dedication to Christ is heart warming and rewarding.  Keep up the wonderful work you do for us in the
                   name of the Lord.  God bless!!
Name: Evelyn True
Comment: The fish fry was fun and the food delicious.  That is a horrible picture of me!
Name: Chris Zoller,  Dunkirk, MD
Comment: Great pictures of you all at the zoo!  What a great idea for an outing!
Name: Emmanuel Laguerre
Comment: Praise the Lord!  I enjoyed visiting this website.  I was attending the service last week.  It was a blessing for me and my family.  I work for YCIA Ministries, Inc. We promote anything that works for the promotion of the Gospel.
Name: Paul Cummings
Comment: I was the youth director for 1st UMC of Pine Hills from Jan of 1973 to May of 1974.  Now, my wife Sylvia and
                   I are OMC missionaries to Spain.

                   May God bless you all and prepare you and equip you for what lies ahead.
Name: Lisa (Kirk) Mills
Comment: Hello to my friends at FUMC Pine Hills!!  I enjoyed seeing your faces in the pictures on the website.  I have so many good memories associated with your congregation.  It always feels like home when I walk through the doors.  I see that you are continuing to lead children to Christ.  We live in Georgia now but hope to return to Central Florida within a few years.  God Bless You!
Name: Cindy (Brewer) Joplin
Comment: Hello There!  This is Cindy, Ruth Ann's daughter.  All the pictures on the website are wonderful, especially the Fish Fry.  I recognized many faces.  Wish there had been  more from the 50th Celebration.  I have so many wonderful memories/blessings thanks to my Mom and PHUMC.  Love to all, Cindy
Name: Rachel King and Ellen
Comment: I loved everyone at the Vacation Bible School especially my friend Noah because we were in the same class and we got to sit next to each other.  I really liked my teachers and my grandma because she was at game time and I loved it.  So, I liked everyone and uh, I liked the volcano when it exploded.
Name: Cedric Campbell
Comment: There is nothing to hold me back.  No tragedy so great that I cannot overcome; I have walked with God, through the valley of the shadow.  And returned triumphant.
God Bless
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Name: T. Arline Johnson
Comment: Wonderful job on the website Kristy.  Keep it up.  God Bless.
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