Dear Mother Love,

I have been married for going on eleven (11) years now and have three "furkids." My dream was to have at least 4 or 5 by the time I was 30. I am now 32 and my husband refuses to let me have any more. This was a mutual agreement we had before marriage and now he has reneged and broken his promise. I am divorcing him over this because I don't feel I should change the dreams I once had so long ago just because he has changed his. What I need to know from you is do I sue for the house and bank accounts or split it down the middle with him and just request "furkid" support.

Desperately Seeking Additional Furkids.

Dear Desperately Seeking,

Now girl slow down and think this out. You sound a little rash talking like this after 11 years of marriage, yes marriage, that time honored tradition. Now, I know that furkids are a bundle of joy, but the thing to remember here, is an addition to the family is just that, an addition. Remember the family central, nucleus, is your husband and you.

Now, maybe you need to look at the situation differently, and not as if it's a loss of your dreams. You entered in this union with open eyes and love. Now, maybe your eyes can only see the furkids, and not the object central to your life. Your husband, friend, confidante, partner, care giver, and lover.

I hear your cry, and I have felt that call when I was your age. I know when we want to bring furkids home it's a sign that we need love. And I know furkids give back love unconditionally. I think there are some other issues here that your not saying, but I think you and your husband need to devote some time just to each other. And if after careful consideration, I said, "Careful". You both agree on a new furbaby, by all means bring that furbaby home (remember most city limits are 4 furkids). But, I bet after all this thinking you two will be doing, a new furkid might be arriving on your doorstep, via the stork...
I think you already know the answer to your Dreams are with your Spouse...

All my Love,
Mother Love

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