Recent Local Area Prototype Railway Photos

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The local Saint John, N. B. area has been served by two prototype railways - the West Side by NB Southern Railway and the East Side by Canadian National Railways.    NBSR recently leased the CN yard, including some of their motive power, but CN will still be bringing in potash trains and taking NBSR traffic on to Montreal

NB Southern was formerly the Canadian Pacific Railway line that ran through the State of Maine up to Montreal, Quebec.  It is now operated by the local Irving Group, and their yards are not accessible to the public, so any photos of their activities have to be taken wherever they can be found.   
Recent Local Area Prototype Railway Photos
Digital Images  (c) 2006 by Bob Boudreau
Updated 28 March 2006
Courtenay Bay Potash Company switcher #1600 is rarely seen, doing its work normally in private.  I was driving by and caught it out in the open with a string of cylindrical hoppers that are to be unloaded of their potash at the marine terminal to the right    27 March 2006.
Ex Wisconsin Central SD45 #7531 visiting Saint John on 27 March 2006.     Photographed in the ex CN Island Yard.
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