Garden & Fashion Tips                                      (For Both Gendars)
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Ok, well here are some tips to help you make sure your plants are in ship-shape for this sweet summer:
1) Make sure you feed your plants with sufficient water.
2) Make sure you give your plant/garden plenty of sunlight. (To allow growth)
3) Make sure you give your plant enough rich soil so that it helps them to grow.
D.I.Y TIPS for summer
A. DON'T add water your plant too much (they will drown)
B. DON'T put it in the sun for too long (they will burn)
C. DON'T add too much plant fertilizer, unless you want your garden looking like cow manure, and smelling like                                              CRAP!!!
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Fashion  Tips..
*~*Well, unfortunatly summer is almost over, but that should not restrict us from dressing like we rule the world!! We have a fashion page which includes "guys"aswell AS "gals". So we'll give you tips that will turn all you makeup mayhem, into moonlight glamour*~*
   Just follow these tips, and you'll soon be on your way to walk on the red carpet.                                *~*
Face Over
---The first step to getting a complete makeover look is to start with "The face", now boys, don't be scared off just yet, because you can try it too.
  Ok, a mud bath is definately the way to go.    
1) Get fresh clean earth mud
2) Spread it evenly over your face
3) let it set for about 5-10mins
4) Then simply wash the mud off your face. And There You Go!!
Quick & easy Face Over!!!!
Not every fashion solution may meet everyboy's needs, i shall not be held accountable for ANY accidents!
If you Try these fashion suggestion's, it's on your own free will!!.
BEWARE proceed at your own risk!!!
Trenchy- If you're really busy and you don't have the time to be worrying about what you're going to wear.. just slap on a trench coat. It looks fabulous on just about anyone, no matter what shape, size or colour you are.                        
Bagz- Well boyz the way to get people talking is to go baggy. Baggy jeans look great on guyz. But the thing is, ONLY get jeans that are already "bagged up", because i've seen some guyz who try to do it themselves by pulling their pants right under their ass's... but believe you me, It aint a good look!!!
Click here for your complete hot summer tips.
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