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      I know it sux!, but hey, i don't make up "The Rules".
It might take a while for your comment to actually appear on the site. Please note, it does not appear automatically, I have to read over it and check if everything is O.K before i post it on, or else i'll be in deep "you know what" with the company.
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Seeing as nobody's bothered to post anything up, I think I might just start now. Ok, well how about people send in comments on what you think about things that are going on now???
Same, can't be bothered!
I'm not giving anything either.. but I got a rose from "annonymous"
I got my girlfriend a little red devil (holding a love heart) and 12 roses
Why dos everyone say uz blondes are dum??
Because you are dumb... you can't even spell!!!
We're knot dum!!, wear knot! knot! knot!!!
OMG No!! what were they thinking??
It's Valentines Day tomorrow, what are you getting your valentine"
Who here knows what Oblongatta means?
Not me
Me either... what the hell is it?
I don't know that's what I was wondering too
Would everyone shutup about the "Oblogattaata" crap
Shutup!! Oh and the answer to that STUPID! question everybody's been buggin me about... I let the dogz out!!!, yes that's right me! you got a problem with that!!!                                                        ... go tell yo momma!!!
Dear Diary
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