Dear Diary...
Every girl should have a diary, and what better way to have one than online? Tell us whats going on in your world. Don't just limit yourself to ONE diary entry though. You can post stories, poems.. whatever!! After all, it's YOUR diary. So get writing!!. Don't be embarrassed, don't hold back. If you want, you can submit as "anonnymous" so nobody knows its you.
Dear Diary...
11May 2004
Well, Today my penpal from NewYork wrote back  and told me what she thinks of Australia, apparently she thinks there are Kangaroos in our backyard, and that we hunt for our food. Boy is she a "=Professional Lostie=".
Dear Diary...
4th May 2004
It my 13th Birthday today.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
By the way, cool site.
Dear Diary...
......Cum on!! Girlz..... !!!KEEP IT CLEAN!!!!
On Saturday, me and my two friends are going to the movies to watch "Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen". So I sorta can't wait just 1 more week!
Oh!, and I've got a comment for that chick who wrote their entry first... Nobody cares about your "penpal" we've all got some of our own. And if I wanted to see a walking soap opera.. I would watch Jerry Springer. So get a life!!!
1 May 2004
12th May 2004
Dear Diary...
Girl!!! who the hell do you think you are telling me what to do!!!.
I think you're the one who needs to get a life.. Lamo!! quit putting others down. You don't even know me!!!
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OMG!! what were they thinking??
Anyways forget those other girlz, their just weirdos!
But something weird happend to me this wekend, I found ten bucks on the ground, 1 day later I got $50 from my mum for doing nothing at all, then a couple of minutes later, I found $20 dollars on the ground... and then I woke up. How weird is that!!
Dear Diary...
12th December 2004
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