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Only The smartest chick in the universe !!!
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OMG!! what were they thinking???
Alisha: what does comas mean? I need it for my
English assignment.
Moderator: It's another word for coma
Will: why are some people short
Moderator: well it's got to do with our genes. It could be that someone within your family line was short, so you inherited it.
Toni: Is it true that some owners look like their pets??
Moderator: Not nessesarily, some owners would delibratly look for pets who look like them, in order to be a wise crack with their friends, but I have not yet spotted an animal that looks like somebody, if you know any, please let me know, and send us a pic.
Joe: Is it true that Ashton Kutcher is going out with someone who's 16 years older than him?
Moderator: Try, it's very entertaining.
Luke: Do you know any good websites I can go to? I'm bored
Moderator: Yes Joe, the rumours are true
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