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St. Anthony's Hall Show...

Whatever good things you said about them don't begin to tell the story. MAK was adorable and sticking her tongue out at the sides of her mouth every once in a while. She was in pig tails. Both Clay C and she were dressed all in red. I had trouble taking my eyes off Clay C. He is so interesting to watch perform. His eyes really flash and I love the way he moves his mouth when he sings.

I was close enough to feel the music reverberating in my chest. Everybody was standing, but I had the equivalent of 8 rows in front of me. Could see everything. Truly one of my better experiences. It does make a difference seeing someone in person. I'll always have that when I hear their CDs. Clay C is much sweeter looking in person than in photos.

The cover of �I Can See for Miles� was ***********! Some of the others they performed that I particularly liked were: Indigenous White Boy, Can Can, 313, Land of No Sun, Hotel Yorba. Then there was something about a woman being rated X that MAK sang. Clay C sang something about all the ladies not leaving him alone -- something about married women, something about having lots of holes, and how Clay C is looking for a home. Others too.

Show started at ten after noon. I guess they were told they could play for an hour. Why 4 minutes here or there would get anyone's knickers in a knot, I do not know. But an "authority" came and whispered something in Clay C's ear. At this point Clay C announced that they would play one last song. They got a little bit into it, and the MORON pulled the plug on their equipment. People started booing, and Clay C came close and said that if we were quiet, he'd sing the song. And he DID. It was very cool. This was the song about looking for a home. (now I'm going to backtrack.)

Clay C referred to MAK as his sister. Does this mean that the mystery is over, or does he sometimes introduce her as his ex-wife?

They both had a great stage presence. MAK was laid back, and Clay C had an angel/devil Mr. Mischief persona, and I'll repeat that the way he used his eyes was captivating.

He was very relaxed speaking to the audience. Said that MAK was happy to see us all. Said "I had breakfast with MAK White, and she told me that she is very happy.

When he changed guitars, he said "Didn't mean to waste your time" and you can imagine the responses of some of the females in the audience. At one point I thought our eyes connected briefly, but I may have imagined it.

When the show ended, Mr. Authority came up to the microphone -- which they plugged back in for him -- natch! A guy behind me shouted out "You're a fuckin' robot, man!" I don't think anyone there disagreed with his assessment.
by Steve Speed
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