Gee, Cleff, you're a spin doctor! Jim's Music Page Let's all take note of this!

This page will soon be updated with downloadable sound bytes of me playing guitar. As music goes, it's been a real drive in my life. I've been playing guitar since I was 10 and played in clubs and bars in the New Jersey/New York area during my "formative years". I played acoustic 12 string with another guy (Terry Hogan) who played acoustic 6 string. We did things like James Taylor, Paul Simon and Jackson Browne. It was a lot of fun! We usually did three 45 minute sets and too 15 minute breaks and we got all the beer we could drink and all the hamburgers we could eat and still got paid $75 each at the end of the evening! "Did I just work or something?" It was great, but they usually only want you on weekends, so that didn't make for a career. But I've kept it up and probably after a few months of practice could go back to a professional level if I wanted to.

I also played electric 6 string in a top 40 band for a while. I later bought a Roland E-20 keyboard and have been self teaching myself keyboards. But one day I'll get into lessons for that. Right now my "lesson time" is more geared towards flying. I like most kinds of music except I'm not too keen on Rap or some Country. But quiz me on that later, my tastes may change.

A friend of mine was Cultrial Advocate for the county a number of years back and I was elected to help do sound and stageing for various acts that we were promoting. At one point, I actually got my picture on the front page of the New York Times Entertainment section. So there was 30 seconds worth of my 15 minutes of fame!

You've probably also noticed that the music on these pages are slightly better in quality than most pages with music. That's because I use midi music as an "emedded source". It allows most IBM compatible PCs to process the music better. (On some MACs it just appears as a broken image link) You can test the quality of music you're hearing by going to my midi music test page at: Midi Test Page. Thanks for taking the time to listen to all the great background music on every page!

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