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News: latest updates to the webpages

Date Chapter / Page What
21.8.06 Structures, gadgets and scratschbuilt items New Soundsystem in elaboration for Belvédère!
25.5.06 Construction & homepage Building the "Eisflüe-Tunnel" & general revamp of site.
22.5.03 Home Homepage has now a Favicon!
12.5.03 Links Update of link list
22.10.02 Structures, gadgets and scratchbuilt items Addition of a chapter about scratchbuilding the gravel hoppers.
18.10.02 Structures, gadgets and scratchbuilt items Addition of a chapter about the electro-magnetic uncouplers.
16.8.02 Webpage Webpage is relaunched after being taken offline by the old provider. Minor changes to the layout.
16.9.01 2. Layout / Layout.htm Chapter updated with new pictures.
16.9.01 3. Construction / Constr.htm Chapter updated with new pictures.
16.9.01 4. Structures and... / Struct.htm Chapter updated with new pictures.
16.9.01 7. Pictures .../ Pict.htm Chapter updated with new pictures of my layout.
16.9.01 8. Animated Pictures/ Gif.htm New Chapter introduced.
15.8.01 8. Snow clearing ..../ rotary.htm Chapter updated with new links.
15.8.01 9. My favourite links / links.htm Chapter updated.
29.4.00 9. My favourite links / links.htm Chapter finaly written.
29.4.00 5. Train operations /trainops.htm Chapter finaly written.
29.4.00 4. Structures.../struct.htm new picture of accomplished silo and road crossing.
5.12.99 8. Snow clearing ..../ rotary.htm A new chapter about the snow clearing on the line.
8.11.99 3. The layout / layout.htm Pictures of my layout under constr. available.
8.11.99 4. The construction / constr.htm Picture of my silo under constr. available.
8.11.99 7. Action picutures / pict.htm Additional pictures available
19.10.99 Title / index.htm(l) A new picture on the front page
19.10.99 1. Story / story.htm New maps showing the location of Belvédère
19.10.99 6. Fiddle yard / fiddle.htm Finaly this chapter has been written...
7.10.99 3. The construction / constr.htm Additional information
7.10.99. Title / index.htm(l) Webpage gets a guest book
6.10.99 Title / index.htm(l) New paragraph for the latest updates of the webpages
6.10.99. 7.) Action pictures / pict.htm Two new pictures of the goods shed of the layout.
6.10.99. All pages Introduction of additional counters on all pages
16.8.02 Webpage Webpage is relaunched after being taken offline by the old provider. Minor changes to the layout.


Home | Story | Layout | Construction | Structures | Operation | Fiddle Yard | Pictures | Animations | Snow Clearing | Links