NEWS 6: Sky and BBC are at it again - cutting The Simpsons!

This is a continuation from News03; listing the cuts that Sky One and BBC2 have made to Simpsons episodes. This page deals with the new cuts - ie: those made to episodes being broadcast new by the channels, rather than repeats.
Sky get episodes a few months after they're shown by Fox US, but BBC viewers have to wait a lot longer - in winter 2003-04 they finally got season 11, from 2000. Anyhoo, this is what was cut by each channel.

SEASON 9, SKY ONE & B.B.C. TWO: Trash Of The Titans
THE ONE WHERE Homer runs for the post of sanitation commissioner of Springfield, and of course destroys the city (good old stupid voters!) Guest voices: U2.

After Homer's interrupted the Springfield U2 concert (Note: I'm guessing at some of the names and quotes here. The word 'wankers' is right, though).
BONO             Wait! He's talking about the sanitation commissioner. That concerns the whole planet!
THE EDGE     Oh, here we go...
LARRY            I'm going to Moe's for a pint.
ADAM              Can I come?
LARRY            No.
ADAM              Wankers. (whistles and fiddles with a knob on his bass guitar)

In the closing credits, the band are on a plane:
ADAM              Look, guys.  I got a Springfield spoon for my spoon collection.
THE EDGE    Oh, here we go... 
BONO             How many spoons have you got now, Adam?
ADAM             Nine.  If I didn't have my spoons, I'd go insane.
BONO            Can I see it?
(Adam hands him the spoon; Bono promptly throws it behind his head)
ADAM             My spoon!
(The spoon lands on Mr Burns's head; he's sitting in the seat behind The Edge)
(stands up) Wankers.

Both of these lines were cut by Sky and BBC, although there was a slight difference in the Mr Burns line: as it was the final line of the episode, Sky just ended the episode there (missing out the last credit or so), while BBC kept the credits in, but dubbed "Ow!" again when Burns said "Wankers". What a bunch of wankers.
SEASON 11, SKY ONE & B.B.C. TWO: Missionary: Impossible
THE ONE WHERE Homer donates $10,000 to PBS, and ends up fleeing them to become a missionary in the south Pacific. But that's not the bit we're interested in.

BART         You're watching PBS?
HOMER    Hey, I'm as surprised as you, but I stumbled across the most delicious British sitcom.
                  (the title of the show appears on the screen)
BART       (reading it) 'Do Shut Up'?
HOMER    It's about a hard-drinking yet loving family of soccer hooligans.
If they're not having a go with the birds, they're having a row with the wankers.
BART        Cheeky.

SEASON 11, SKY ONE: Behind The Laughter
THE ONE WHERE In the style of Behind The Music, this spoof documentary looks at the highs and lows of the show's history, which Homer writes himself, you know. Simpsons Christmas Boogie!, and all that.

NARRATOR      Where did the money go?  Marge lost much of the family fortune investing in birth control products.
MARGE               I learned something -- when people reach for their diaphragm, they don't want to see my picture. (holds up a diaphragm with a stern-looking picture of herself on it. Hmm)
SEASON 12, SKY ONE: A Tale of Two Springfields
After an argument over an area code, Homer leads the common people of town to break away and form New Springfield, dividing the town into two. The rivalry develops, and New Springfield go so far as to block Old/e Springfield's river- but it turns out there's gold in the river, and the rich get slightly richer.

BROCKMAN       With the money made from the gold, Old Springfield was able to buy the
Evian [no advertising allowed on Sky... Since when?!] water factory and fly it over here from France.  (news footage shows several helicopters lowering a factory into place on the old riverbed)
HOMER              (groans)
BROCKMAN      Thanks, Mr. Simpson.
Because of you, we're all taking golden showers!
                            (offstage, we hear laughter) What?

Funny lines, but never seen on Sky.
[Source for lines - The Simpsons Archive]
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