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Blueprints of HQ

Blueprints of Ship

Alien Alphabet




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Sunday 15 February:I have taken off those dodgy blue borders round the links at the left hand side of the page.

Saturday 14 February 2004:It's been nearly a year since I have done anything with this site but I have taken off that crappy matrix background and I would like to apologize to CGEF for copying their episode data I am very sorry I was young and foolish lol i'm gonna try and change the whole site to make it all my own (if I can b bothered).....i'm bak baby

Saturday 15th March 2003:Hello all as I wallow in my self pity enjoy another pic from Lee Roberts also a couple of new buddies Lee Roberts site and sean blendons (both great fan-artists)

Tuesday 11th March 2003:Hello all some more work from my favourite guy Lee Roberts check it out!

Monday 10th March 2003:Residents of the UK will no it's red nose day this friday I no i'll be doing my bit and so are Fry, Leela and Bender click the link to see how Red Nose Day

Saturday 8th March 2003:Sorry about the delay in updates but I have put a fan-art pic up by Geos and it's a matrix/futurama pic so I love it as i'm a fan of both also as you can see I have moved this page around p.s please people submit some stuff

Sunday 2nd March 2003:I have updated season 5 on episodes with the Less Than A hero data also Cant Get Enough Futurama is back online YAY!

Wednesday 19th February 2003:I have added 3 more bookmarks by Lee Roberts hope u enjoy them and I have added a new link to Lee Roberts Site (futurama database)!

Monday 17th February 2003:I have added a new section linking off of fan-art (bookmarks) with some from me and Lee Roberts

Sunday 16th February 2003:Two updates in one day my birthday's always special enjoy some more fan-art by this great artist Lee Roberts

Sunday 16th February 2003:It's my birthday today plus I have added some more artwork from Lee Roberts

Saturday 15th February 2003:I't Matt Groenings Birthday Happy Birthday Matt 

Wednesday 12th February 2003:I have added another button created by Lee Roberts and don't forget the Futurama PS2 game comes out next month pre-order yours at or now before there's none left!!!!!

Sunday 9th February 2003:I have added another button and some fan-art created by Lee Roberts

Saturday 8th February 2003:I have added two new sections this section (news) and a fan-art section with work submitted by Lee Roberts!

Thursday 6th February 2003:I changed all my backgrounds to a matrix style hope you all like it also the #3 comic comes out today in the UK 

Wednesday 5th February 2003:I'm sorry if I don't update all that often at the moment I'm trying to get another site up and running and it's taking most of my time also I haven't had that much content submitted recently *hint* *hint* don't forget if u want to submit info or pictures (anything) send them to [email protected] (it's all in contact details) although I have added a counter but I suppose u don't care bout that 

Tuesday 4th February 2003:If like me your a subscriber to the Futurama comics in the UK you probably got yours today isn't it great! 

Monday 27th January 2003:I added an alien alphabet section to download these alphabets go click on my link to the Leela Zone or TFP

Tuesday 24th January 2003:It's the 1 month anniversary of this site YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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