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Episode 1: Monkey Sea, Monkey DOOM!

Futurama #1

It all starts when Fry buys sea monkeys from an old comic book ad, later the sea monkeys grow enormous and take over New New York.

...But deliver us to evil!

Futurama #2

Planet Express is named "Best Delivery Company on Weekends & Holidays" in the big Applet's 762nd Best of New New York issue, but, with little time to celebrate or reflect on the fact that they are the only delivery service on weekends and holidays, the crew is on their way to the farthest reaches of the galaxy to deliver a mysterious shipment for two oddly familiar customers. However, this delivery may be their last! 

The Woner of Mars attacks!

Futurama #3

Leela gets caught up in the newest collectible craze of the future, the Needy Newbie. However, when Amy's mom, Inez Wong, turns her new found hobby into a competition for the ultimate collection, Leela, Fry and Zoidberg uncover and insidious plot that threatens all humanity... as well as the top market value of their most precious possesion: their lives!

D.O.O.P. The Right Thing!

Futurama #4

Zapp Brannigan disappears into the jungles of a distant planet, where he is made ruler and worshipped as a god. He sends only on message from the bust - the king needs a one-eyed jungle queen. The Democratic Order of Planets (DOOP) sends a reluctant Leela, Kif Kroker, Fry and Bender up the river into the heart of darkness to save him - but they are not prepared for the unspeakably bloated horror they find there.

Who's dying to be a gazillionaire?

Futurama #5

Fry competes on a game show hosted by Morbo in order to save Professor Farnsworth and Planet Express. However, he finds himself in way over his head when a hostile takeover creates a power play that might end up pulling the plug on Fry's lifeline.

Story 1 Xmas time is fear

Story 2 H.G. Blob in Revenge of the Blob

Futurama #6

It's the most horrifying time of the year again as the gang at Planet Express prepare for the robot Santa Claus' annual ""slay"" ride. But President Nixon's head has announced that Santa's been reprogrammed to be nice this Christmas, and to prove it, the robot's going to deliver presents to anybody willing to await his arrival in Times Square on Christmas Eve. Has Santa really changed his evil ways? Or is there a plot afoot more insidious than a movie by Oliver Stone's head? And what does all this have to do with Bender winning a lifetime supply of Olde Fortran? Find out who's really being naughty and nice! 

Story 1 New Year's Rockin' Evil

Story 2 The Continuum less travelled

Futurama #7

By now, readers are familiar with the story of Phillip J. Fry and how he found his way to the 30th century by way of an ill-fated pizza deliver What if … everything readers knew is different? What if … instead, Fry, a man destined to change the course of human history, is, in fact, being pursued by a deadly robotic bending unit from the far-flung future bent on termination, and his only hope is a one-eyed, ass-kickin', alien beauty. Or is it?

Planet X-Press Men

Futurama #8

Be it hallucination, dream, or just wishful thinking, the Planet Express crew don tights, manifest extraordinary mutant powers, and get real ornery (and it isn't even time for lunch yet!). But when they discover a stranger in their midst, will the Professor, Wonder Boy, Uniclops, the Weather Mon, Lobstrosity, and Rouge embrace him with open arms, or cast him out into a hate-filled world intolerant of anyone who is different (or can drink a keg of Olde Fortran in one sitting)? Get ready for furious, fist-fightin', futuristic fun with the Planet Express Men!


Futurama #9

It seems like "Great Nephew Day" creeps up on you all of a sudden, just like "Red-Headed Stepchild Day." So Fry goes in search of the perfect gift for Professor Farnsworth. Little does he know that his gift will lead to a scientifically unexplainable phenomenon that will make them both swap bodies. Farnworth's personality inhabits Fry's body and vice versa. The whole thing turns into a really "Freaky Fry Day."


Futurama #10

By some divine instrument of destiny or by the bestowing of an innate talent by the powers that be, Fry, Leela, Bender, and Scruffy find themselves representing the Earth on the Olympic swurling team under the tutelage of hall of fame swurling coach Vic Lebruteski. But what is really behind their newfound abilities, and what exactly is in it for the coach and Planet Express. It appears that they will soon be putting their lives on the line in front of an universal arena that is out for blood.



Futurama #11

Fry catches a cold. One problem. The cure for the common cold was discovered and then forgotten hundreds of years ago. Now the 20th century virus is wreaking havoc on the 30th century populace, and there's only one race that can save New New York City... the sewer mutants!


Futurama #12

Fry, Leela, Bender, and Zoidberg are taken for sideshow freaks, literally, in a traveling intergalactic circus. Bender has dreams of center ring stardom, and Fry finds what would appear to be the love of his life ... with the Bearded Lady.


Futurama/simpsons crossover #1

They said it couldn’t be done! But Bongo didn’t listen to the nay-sayers, refuse-niks, and non-believers. So here it is, folks! The story that you’ve been waiting for... a story so big it can only be told in a special two-part mini-series! What would happen if the Planet Express crew met the Simpsons… and how is it even possible? Take one millennial edition of a Bongo comic, add in two Brain Spawns, mix in one 20th century man plucked out of time who’s destined to save the universe, and stir it up with an interstellar three-eyed creature with a huge appetite... and anything is possible!


Futurama/simpsons crossover #2

When we last saw our fearless Planet Express crew, they were trapped in a Simpsons comic book for all eternity by the evil Brain Spawn! Professor Farnworth had been committed! Fry was trapped at Springfield Elementary School! And Nibbler, the only one holding together the delicate fabric of reality together, was having his brain lactified! Is all lost? Is there any future drama for the Futurama crew? Are they finally, truly and totally boned? Find out for yourself in the senses shattering finale of the epic we could only call... Chapter Two!




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