Q&P of the Week

Quote: Spel chekers, hoo needs em?


King of Bandits
Click Here for Picture of Week Four!



Here is all the wonderful places you can go to on the site:


:*:Anime Gallery:*:

:*:Reality Gallery:*:

:*:Cute Gallery:*:

:*:Other Stuff:*:


Our Rants:

Rukusa: I have a bunch of test next week�>_<

Lilly: I hope you fail!

Rukusa: *glares and slowly pulls out a butcher knife*


Leave Your Mark!

Peek at the Wall of Smiles!

Add your mark to the Wall of Smiles!


Card Captor Sakura by CLAMP
Site owned by Rukusa & Lilly
Layout designed by Lilithbeth
Day Dream Graphics

Link to Us!

Lilly: YAY! PEOPLE LIKE OUR SITE!!!!! *goes to tap dance in a small dark corner*
Rukusa: Anyway, if you want to link to us, we would be very happy! ^_^
Lilly: *suddenly appears* HAPPY PILLS!!!

Rukusa:...right, you get the idea. *chases after Lilly to keep her from blowing up the computer.

Awesome Sites!

First site is Anipike! This has got to be one of the best anime site places ever! Its really a site with links put up by fellow anime and manga lovers of awesome sites. Its well organized, easy to navigate through, and all in all, has a ton of cool stuff to look at!
Visit Anipike

Advanced Anime! Most of our pictures that are on the site are from this website. This is an excellent, organized site where people post anime or manga pictures they find. Personally, I think this site is a blast and I love it! Well, both of us love it.
Visit Advanced Anime

This site is called Funny Junk, and almost all of our reality pics come from here, but beware, it contains materials that are not appropriate and rated past at least R. We have gone through these pics and sorted them out, but if you want to visit the site, feel free to. It's not the best organized site, but it still has some funny stuff in it.
Visit Funky Junk

If you are looking for some great layouts, this is definately the site for you. It's a community of layouts where you can share your layouts or download layouts from other people! I found this layout at this site!
Visit Day Dream Graphics

If you want to learn html, this is one of the best websites to start at. It offers complete html, css, tables, frames, java, and more tutorials, taking it from the beginning to the end! A lot of help came from this site and it has an active message board!
Visit Lissa Explains it All

Neopets! Both Lilly and I have a Neopets account! Its a fun site where you have free virtual pets and you can feed, groom, read, play games, explore, and chat with! For those of you who have accounts, if you would like to contact us on Neopets, our user names are Rukusa and Penelopedrawfox13.
Visit Neopets

This site has some awesome fanfiction on it! If you like to write and read, you must visit!^_^
Visit A Land Of Dreams

This site has some awesome fanfiction on it! If you like to write and read, you must visit!^_^
Visit A Land Of Dreams

This site was made by Vanessa. She made our button for us! Thank you very much! Visit her site!Visit AnimeSkies


These are some people we would really like to thank. Without their help, there is no way this site could have happened.

Lilly: Starcherry-Thanks for da moose! I LOVE YOU MOOSEY!!!!!!
Connie-For reminding me to get my homework done before I work on the site! :-p

Rukusa: Thanks to all my friends for their support! There's too many to name but you know who you are!
To my BF-I love you and thank you for helping us with the html coding!

Thanks From Both of Us: Lilibeth-Thank you for making this wonderful layout and letting us use it! Thanks for helping us get started to! Thanks to Everyone who sent us pictures and encouraged us!
To the Cookie-You taste delicious! ^_^
Rukusa: I didn't write the thanks to the cookie by the way. -_-
Lilly: ^_~

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