Compulsive Rock’N’Roll – The Hospitals – 4.21.03 The Hospitals-“Again + Again” 7”EP I’d say that 2002 was a lackluster year for singles. Perhaps that’s stating the obvious, since only one installment of “Compulsive Rock’N’Roll” appeared last year. Sure, 2002 saw the release of The Final Solutions, The Intelligence/Popular Shapes, and Mistreaters singles. Those aside, the vast majority of the singles in our “best of” lists really wouldn’t be there had the year been as strong as we had grown accustomed to. POINT BLANK: there is too much “fake” music out there, and too much time is spent playing and writing about it. With that in mind, I present to you the debut 7”EP by The Hospitals, a single that not only deserves the “Compulsive” treatment, but one that spells everything out right on its sleeve: “STOP FAKING MUSIC”. The Hospitals are a noisy two-piece combo that hails from Portland, OR. Judging by this single, they must be the absolute biggest misfits in the city (yes, including The Hunches, who are probably their only sonic brethren for a 2000 miles in any direction). When I saw them play in S.F. last year, Rod, the guitarist, stood off to the side while drummer Adam beat the living shit out of his kit and wailed violently into the mike. Let’s just say that the equipment and the audience had a severely impacted life expectancy while The Hospitals were playing. After about 15 minutes, it collapsed entirely: drums in total disarray, bottles of PBR in pieces everywhere and several people who didn’t know if they should clap or run. It was fantastic…and it wasn’t the slightest bit forced. That’s enough on the past, let’s visit NOW. The scene: my mailbox. The parcel: The Hospitals Again + Again 7”EP, released on Future Primitive Records (limited to 300 copies, hand silk-screened covers). The verdict: a seven-inch slab of wax that is so incredibly fucking primal that you’re left sitting in a puddle of your own drool, awaiting the nurse’s instructions. The title track simply does not give you room to catch your breathe. From the uncontrollable crash of the drums to the screeching guitar, it’s immediately clear that there will be no toe-tapping while this is on your turntable. From this vicious opening attack, one would think that this band was a (really good) one trick pony, but the two tunes on the flip show that this band clearly has its fingers on the pulse of IT, that elusive quality that turns noise into music…and back again. “Just Don’t Know” opens with Hunches-like blues: slightly garagey, very affected, and on the brink of total noise. It’s amazing to hear only two guys make such incredible racket. The single closes with “I’m Invisible”, which sounds like a caveman version of A-Frames sorting through the trials and tribulations of antisocial behavior. It’s a seamless blend of drone and bash, not to mention my favorite tune of the three. I’m trying to keep it honest here. I’ve officially stopped faking music. I’ve officially stopped praising anything that isn’t worth it. I’m raising my standards. I’m genuinely impressed here. You will be too. STOP FAKING MUSIC. ($4ppd: Future Primitive Records, 6023 NE 15th Ave., Portland, OR 97211,
Mitch Cardwell

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